Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2022 — Ka Leo Kaiāulu [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ka Leo Kaiāulu


By Tercia Ku Data, Research and Policy. What is your understanding? Establishing policy, developing services and programs, engaging in outreach and education are all informed by accurate and timely data and information. Ka Leo Kaiāulu is Papa Ola Lōkahi's point-in-time inquiry to the Hawaiian community to identify trends, collect and evaluate data, and disseminate the findings. You are invited to share your voice in our 2022 Ka Leo Kaiāulu series to share your perspective of data research and policy through a fourpart inquiry. The questions will ask your thoughts on (1) the intersection of data, research, and policy, (2) your understanding of Precision Medicine, (3) your mana'o on re-establishing a Native Hawaiian Institutional Review Board, and (4) your reflections on the Native Hawaiian response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our current Ka Leo Kaiāulu survey is about Data, Research and Policy and the puhlie understanding on these topics and their relationships to one another. You ean participate at https://www.surveymonkey.eom/r/ KLK-Spr22. Or scan the Q.R code helow.

Renamed Ka Leo Kaiāulu, Papa Ola Lōkahi launched this point-in-time survey series in 2016 and called it Community Voices. Focused on Native Hawaiian social and cultural determinants of heahh, this series has increased our awareness of

Native Hawaiian Heahh priorities, and increased our body of knowledge about oral heahh, and dementia and Alzheimers. Eaeh Ka Leo Kaiāulu will lay the groundwork for larger, more robust conversations on Native Hawaiian Heahh, leading in 2023 to an update of E Ola Mau, Native Hawaiian Heahh Needs Assessment, that is meaningful and relevant to our communities and providers. This work is overseen by Hale 'Imi Hawai'i, the data and research center at Papa Ola Lōkahi. In addition to perpetuating and updating E Ola Mau, other data-gathering initiatives include Ka Leo Kaiāulu, various eommunity scoping projects, and access to reliable data sources and resources on Native Hawaiian heahh. In addition, Hale 'Imi Hawai'i collaborates with other data and research projects and panels that look at the social and cultural determinants of heahh of Native Hawaiians. The original E Ola Mau reports and recent updates may be found on the Papa Ola Lōkahi website. Mahalo for sharing your voice on the intersection of data, research and policy. If you are interested in any additional information regarding Hale 'Imi Hawai'i, please contact Dr. Donna-Marie Palakiko or Ms. Tercia Ku. A ehampion of Hawaiian heahh research and policy was Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell. Throughout the month of July, whieh will lead up to the Hawaiian holiday Lā Ho'iho'i Ea on the 31st, Papa Ola Lōkahi will be paying homage to Kekuni, who brilliantly and clearly connected Hawaiian wellbeing to Hawaiian self-determi-nation. E ola, e ola e ola nā kini ē! ■ Tercia Ku is the research and data coordinator at Papa OlaLōkahi ( POL ). She was born in Hawai'i and raised near Fairbanks, Alaska. She graduatedfrom Wai'anae High School and the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. Most of her professional career has been spent in elinieal research and puhlie heahh settings. She collaborated on this article with POL Research and Data Alaka'i Donna-Marie Palakiko, Ph.D.