Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 6, 1 June 2022 — From the Merrie Monarch Royal Parade to a Public Land Trust Win [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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From the Merrie Monarch Royal Parade to a Public Land Trust Win


What an honor to represent OHA in the 59th Annual Merrie Monarch Royal Parade. I was overjoyed to ride alongside my dear husband, Tyler, our beloved baby, Ana Kapuahilehuaāiwaiwamaikahikinai'ōla'a, and my treasured parents, Anna Lui-Kwan Akaka and Daniel Kahikina Akaka, Jr.

Hilo is the hometown of my mother so there was 'ohana from our Hawai'i Island side of the family, my brothers with their 'ohana, friends, fellow ofīicials, and former staffers of my grandfather's U.S. Senate seat in Washington D.C. Seeing our keiki and everyone together made

for such a special experience. Participating in parades has been a tradition for my 'ohana through the years that we hold dear to our hearts. I'm thankful to now share this with my husband and daughter. I am honored to pass on these values and traditions as we carry on our 'ohana's legacy of service to our people. Mahalo nui to the organizers, attendees, participants and all who make the festival and parade such a great success. It is my honor to serve as

OHA's O'ahu trustee and as chair of OHA's Committee on Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment. Working steadfastly side-by-side with our OHA Board Chair, CEO, COO, Puhlie Policy Team, Counsel, Communications Team, Resource Management Chair and BAE Leadership Team has eulminated in a landmark decision by our state legislature. The Puhlie Land Trust has been, and remains, an integral part of my work and strategic mission for our people. The outcome of this year's legislative session, with the | passing of the Puhlie Land Trust bill, is remarkable and something of whieh to be very proud. This momentous legislation provides more funds to OHA and enables us to do even more for our beneficiaries. Mahalo a nui loa to all who sent in testimony in support of the Puhlie Land Trust. Mahalo a nui loa to all who have worked tirelessly towards the passage of this legislation. This is monumental and long overdue for our people. Our collective voices have been heard and we need to eontinue our advocacy for our lāhui, ' keiki to kūpuna. More work is ' ahead to make this right - ffom the proper accounting of inven-

tory of ceded lands to receiving the full 20% of the Puhlie Land Trust monies that are due to Native Hawaiians. Together, we ean further collaborate and work towards the betterment of our Hawaiian people whieh, in turn, uplifts Hawai'i as a whole. ■

Kaleihikina Akaka Trustee, O'ahu

Trustee Akaka and her 'ohana riding in the Merrie Monnrch Festivnl parade in April. - Photos: Courtesy

(L-R) Trustee Aknkn, Sen. ūonnn Mercndo-Kim, Trustee Alnpn, Trustee Lindsey, Rep. Vnl Okimoto nnd Rep. Sylvin Luke celebrnte pnssoge of the PLĪ bill.