Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 6, 1 June 2022 — Congratulations to the Class of 2022 at Hawai'i Community College [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Congratulations to the Class of 2022 at Hawai'i Community College
On May 13, 2022, I had the honor of delivering the eommencement address to the Class of 2022 at Hawai'i Community College on the island of Hawai'i. Congratulations to nā haumāna and all of the parents, grandparents, 'ohana and friends that stood with them during their aeademic journey.
Hawai'i Community College is part of the University of Hawai'i system. Nearly half of the student population is Native Hawaiian, and hundreds of these learners are first generation students. Through the Native Hawaiian Student Success Initiatives, the University of Hawai'i Community College "embraces its responsibilities to the Indigenous people of Hawai'i by ensuring that Native Hawaiians...have every opportunity to achieve success." I chanted and shared wisdom from the 'Oli Aloha and the mo'olelo of Manono. Below are excerpts from my eommeneement address to the graduating class. On Life's Challenges: "I salute you who are completing a significant milestone in your educational path and life journey...you will discover many opportunities and a ehanee to fulfill your dreams...you will also encounter many obstacles and challenges...You may even face relentless opposition and injustice." Personal Homecoming: "While this is your commencement, it is a homeeoming for me. Edith Kanaka'ole, for whom this stadium is named, and her husband, Luke Kanaka'ole, are my ancestors. On my mother's side, I am a Lupenui. And on my father's side, I am descended ffom the long line of the Akina 'Ohana...my 'ohana hail from the Kau District of this great island of Moku o Keawe, and my ances-
tors lived in little towns across the moku such as Pāhoa, Kohala and Miloli'i." Live with Aloha: "...A hiti mai no 'outou, A hiti pu no me te aloha." Fill your heart with aloha...this is your eall to move beyond your time at Hawai'i Community College and into a new time of transforming yourselves and the world around you."
Call to Service: "...throughout...Hawai'i, there is poverty, homelessness...injustice...lack of medieal services, environmental and cultural threats...these challenges are opportunities...they show that love's in need of love today. They are your calling to go forth and serve...We, your kūpuna, your 'ohana, your ancestors, and community are looking to you to create the future of Hawai'i." On Perseverance: "...If we think of ourselves as victims and hlame other people or the circumstances around us...we have no power to change our condition... when we realize that others do not have the power to take away our love, joy, and peaee, we will never be their victims...we have the power to determine our happiness and how we face life." On Change: "...Confucius shared the secret of how to change the world: 'If you want to change the world, then change your country. If you want to change your country, then change your city. If you want to change your city, then change your village. If you want to change your village, then change your family. If you want to change your family, then change yourself."' ■ Yourfeedback on this eolumn is welcomed at TrusteeAkina@oha.org.
Keli'i Akina, Ph.D. Trustee, At-large