Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 6, 1 Iune 2022 — A New Era at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs [ARTICLE]
A New Era at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs
By ŪHA Board of Trustees Chair Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey and Chief Executive Officer/Ka Pouhana Dr. Sylvia M. Hussey This article was originally printed in the Honolulu StarAdvertiser on April 26, 2022. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs' decades-long fight to receive its fair share of Puhlie Land Trust revenues was detailed recently in a StarAdvertiser editorial ("Sharper pencils, eyes on OfRce of Hawaiian Affairs funds," Our View, April 21). As Senate Bill 2021 SD1 HD2 continues to work its way through the Legislature, we invite everyone to focus on where the agency is today, and how we are managing the funds entrusted in us to better the conditions of Native Hawaiians. This is a new era at the OfRce of Hawaiian Affairs. Our 2020-2035 strategic plan, Mana i Mauli Ola, responds to community input by focusing on the immediate needs of the Native Hawaiian people in the areas of education, heahh, housing, and eeonomie stability - all on a foundation of strengthened 'Ohana, Mo'omeheu and 'Āina. There is new leadership across the organization, whieh builds on the efforts of all who have served this mission
in the past. Over the last two years we have welcomed a new chair of the Board of Trustees and a new chief executive ofRcer, complemented with a new chief operating ofRcer, chief financial officer, chief advocate and land director, who all serve side by side with research, eommunity engagement, communications and strategy management directors and staff who are focused on strategic plan implementation. Trustees have implemented a new governance structure and policy ffamework and moved forward to activate and revitalize the 30-acres of waterfront properties in Kaka'ako Makai. We have reorganized the agency, reducing overhead costs, streamlining operations and redirecting resources to our beneficiaries and communities. Our grant awards to community organizations increased from $6 million in 2006 to $16 million last fiscal year - a record for the agency. Our overall two-year fiscal hiennium budget for grants and sponsorships has been set at $30.2 million - also a record for the agency - and up from the $24.5 million that was set for the last fiscal hiennium. Posted on OHA's website, under "Quick Links, Finaneial Transparency," readers will find 18 years of financial statements and audit information- ffom June 30, 2004, to June 30, 2021 - plus three years of single audits of the Na-
l tive Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund, completed by four independent audit firms. Eaeh audit conducted by those ; independent firms opined an "unqualified" or "elean" l opinion. In May 2019, the Board approved the winddown of existing LLCs with only Hi'ilei Aloha LLC, parent of Hi'ipaka LLC dba Waimea Valley, still in existence. Waimea Valley is a peaceful and serene example of preserving and perpetuating human, cultural and natural resources. It is our fiduciary duty to continue this fight for what ; is rightfully owed to the Native Hawaiian people. It is the State of Hawai'i's constitutional obligation to Native Hawaiians that is at stake here, and we are appreciative of the Hawai'i state legislators who have worked with us this session to advance Senate Bill 2021 SD1 HD2 this far. [ We note the increase in the proposed interim payment [ amount ffom $15.1 million to $21.5 million to adjust for l inflation. We stand ready to discuss this issue further [ through the formulation of a working group as this is a [ complicated matter with broad impacts. This is a new day at OHA. We seek a just, fair and pono resolution to this ongoing issue that will move us toward [ our mission of creating a thriving lāhui. Let us all sharpi en our pencils and get to work as we strive to better the conditions of the Native Hawaiian people. ■