Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 5, 1 May 2022 — The Wahi Pana of Molokini [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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The Wahi Pana of Molokini

By Adam Keawe Manalo-Camp In recent years, the islet of Molokini has heeome an internet sensation with its picturesque crescent shape surrounded by inviting cobalt blue waters. It is a world-famous site for snorkeling, scuba diving, and bird watching. But many Kānaka Maoli may not be familiar with Molokini as a wahi pana (storied plaee) and its connection to us today. There are a few stories about the creation of Molokini that involve Pele. The most well-known involves a family of shapeshifting mo'o. Two mo'o, Pu'uhele and Pu'uokali, dwelled atMā'alaea, Maui. They had a beautiful daughter, Pu'uoinaina, who lived on the sacred island of Kohemālamalama (now Kaho'olawe). She took as her kāne Ka'akakai and Ka'anahua, the sons of Hua, a poweful kahuna. But Pu'uoinaina grew bored and left Kohemālamalama to visit her parents on Maui where she met Lohi'au and took him to be her kane. When Pele heard about this she lashed out in a jealous rage, cutting Pu'uoinaina in half. According to Hawaiian Antiquities and Folk-Lore by Abraham Fornander, her tail heeame the hill Pu'uōla'i at Makena, while her head heeame Molokini. Seeing the tragedy, Pele's older brother, Kamohoali'i, rebuked her and issued the kānāwai inaina (a decree) encouraging kindness to all. Another Pele mo'olelo tells of Pu'ulaina, the son of 'E'eke and Līhau. When Pu'ulaina had grown into a handsome young man, his mother, Līhau, gave him as a husband to Molokini, a younger sister of Pele and a great beauty. But Pele desired Pu'ulaina for herself and when Molokini refused to give him up, Pele changed Molokini into an islet. Līhau begged Pele to restore her daughter-in-law and not to injure her son. In response, Pele transformed Līhau and Pu'ulaina into the hills behind Lahainaluna. There are also other lesser known but deeply poetic mo'olelo about the creation of Molokini. In the Kahakuokamoana version of the genealogy of the islands, also recorded by Fornander, Kaho'olawe was born from the union of Keaukanai of Hawai'i and Walinu'u of Hōlani. After the birth, Uluhina, who presided over the delivery, placed the 'īewe (placenta) and piko (umhilieal cord) into his malo. He then threw this into the oeean. This piko pointing to the far-off lands of Kahiki heeame the ridges of Molokini, and the 'īewe beeame the crater. The poetic name for Kaho'olawe, Kohe-mālamalama-a-Kanaloa, adds meaning in this context. Another story relates to Kana, a shapeshifter. When his mother, Hina, was kidnapped by chief Kapepe'ekauila from Hā'upu, Moloka'i, Kana tried repeatedly to reseue her. But in those days, Hā'upu was a huge hill that could be carried and lifted up to the clouds by two magieal turtles. In another version of the mo'olelo, Hā'upu could swim away if threatened. In one version of the mo'olelo, Kana was eventually able to rescue his mother, but tipped the mountain over

as he did and pieces of Hā'upu fell everywhere with a portion of the mountain becoming Molokini. Molokini is also mentioned in other mo'olelo and mele. A slope on Molokini is called pahe'e-o-Lono and said to be a slide used by the akua Lono. In Kaikilani's weleoming chant to her kane, Lonoikamakahiki, she weaves in prominent plaee names from throughout Hawai'i, including Tahiti, as parts of a voyaging eanoe. Molokini is mentioned as the thatching ropes holding the poles together. The chant is significant because it speaks to the larger vision of Kaikilani who was the first female ruler of Hawai'i Island. Her welcoming chant was not simply an act of love but a political statement reminding us to be united. That Molokini was mentioned reminds us of its significance. There is no evidence Kānaka Maoli lived on Molokini permanently, but there are artifacts that show our kūpuna stopped over at Molokini for fishing and to gather plumage, bird eggs, limu, clams, mussels, and ekaha kū moana (hlaek coral). 'Ēkahu ku moana was traditionally used for medicinal and ceremonial purposes. Today it is our "ofhcial state gemstone." Because Molokini was an 'īewe and piko in some mo'olelo, some Kānaka Maoli would plaee the piko of their children at Molokini in the hopes they might beeome skillful navigators and fishers. During WWII, Molokini was used for target practice by the US Navy. Due to the bombing and shelling of Molokini, military ordnance is still found there today. The bombing took a heavy toll on Molokini's archaeological sites, wildlife, and coral reefs. In 1977, while protesting the navy's bombing of Kaho'olawe, beloved activists Kimo Miīehell and George Helm were lost at sea. They were last seen off of Molokini. Later that year, Molokini beeame a marine sanctuary. While its ecosystem continues to be fragile due to the legacy of bombing, a laek of cultural awareness, and over-tourism, Molokini continues to be a piko of our ancestors. ■ Adam Keawe Manalo-Camp grew np in Papakōlea and is a Hawaiian and Filipino writer, blogger and independent researcher.

The islet of Molokini is 2.5 miles off Maui's southern shore. In the hnekground is mogestic Hnleoknln. - Photo: Redline Rafting