Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 4, 1 April 2022 — CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: WĀIAKEA UKA COMMUNITY CENTER MASTER PLAN [ARTICLE]

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c ASM AfRliates is preparing a i Cultural Impact Assessment to ( inform an Environmental As- i sessment (EA) being prepared j for the proposed Waiākea Uka ; Community Center Master t Plan. The project area is roughly j 5-5-acres and includes the low- 1 er baseball field, the gymnasi- j um, playground, gravel parking ; lot, and the adjacent undevel- 1 oped lot, TMK parcels: (3) 2-4- 1 035:001, 002, and a portion of - 004, Waiākea Ahupua'a, South Hilo District, Island of Hawai'i. The purpose of the Waiākea Uka Community Center Master Plan is to provide conceptual plans for the development of additional on-site parking near the A existing gym as well as near the ( lower ball field and a new eom- j munity center. j ASM is seeking consultation ]

with community members that long-standing cultural eonnections to this area, might have of traditional cultural uses of the proposed project area; or who are involved in any ongoing cultural practices that be occurring on or in the general vicinity of the project area. If you have and are willing to share any such information, please contact Lokelani Brandt phone (808) 969-6066, mailing address ASM Afhliates 507-A E. Lanikaula Street, Hilo, HI 96720. Mahalo. NOTICE OF INADVERTENT DISCOVERY: KAHUKU TRAINING AREA Two burial sites were inadvertently discovered in the sea cliffs on lands owned by the U.S. Army Garrison, Hawaii at Kahuku Training Area in PaAhupua'a, Ko'olauloa

Moku, O'ahu, Hawai'i [TMK: (1) 5-7-002:001]. Archaeologists ffom the U.S. Army Garrison, Hawaii visited the suspected burial sites and confirmed the presence of human skeletal remains in November 2021. Based on the context and location, these remains are presumed to be Native Hawaiian and pursuant to 43 CFR § 10.2(d)(l) are subject to the requirements of NAGPRA. The minimum number of individuals at the first burial site is seven. The minimum number of individuals at the second burial site is two. Both burial sites are within about 100 meters of another burial site that was sealed in 2017 under a NAGPRA Plan of Action. Claimants that participated in the 2017 Plan of Action have been notified. Notice to regular consulting parties with NAGPRA interests for the area are being issued. Representatives of Native Hawaiian organizations and/or individuals that wish to elaim lineal descent

or cultural afhliation with the human remains in accordance with the NAGPRA process are requested to please email the Cultural Resources Section at usarmy.hawaii.crmp@mail.mil before May lst, 2022 to participate in initial meetings. NOTICEOF CONSULTATION: KUHIŌ PARK TERRACE LOW RISE AND KUHIŌ HOMES REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Hawai'i Public Housing Authority (HPHA) is evaluating the potential for impacts on historic resources for the Kūhiō Park Terrace Low Rise and Kūhiō Homes Redevelopment located at Kalihi in the Kona District of O'ahu. The project anticipates receiving federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and is considered a federal undertaking as defined

! in Title 26 of the Code of Federal ; Regulations (CFR) Part 800.16(y) : and is subject to Section 106 of : the National Historic Preserva- : tion Act (NHPA). The proposed Undertaking would demolish and replace the existing low-rise structures and redevelop the site as an affordable housing development of 625 Affordable Rental Units. The Undertaking will be contained on the A-2 zoned parcels north of Linapuni Street, Tax Map Key (TMK) (1) 1-3-039:003, :006, and :oo8. The proposed Area of Potential Effect (APE) comprises ' TMK (1) 1-3-039:003, :005, :006, :007, :008 :009, and :010. The HPHA has entered into a public/private partnership with Michaels Development, its afhliates i i i and consuitants to execute the Undertaking. Archaeological I and architectural investigations are underway. To participate in the Section SEE PUBLIC N0TICE ON PAGE 31


PUBLIC N0TICE Continued from page 30 106 process, we request your written intent by the date specified below. Entitled consulting parties include the Advisory Council of Historic Preservation, State Historic Preservation Division, Historic Hawai'i Foundation, Native Hawaiian Organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants who may have ancestral lineal or cultural ties, knowledge, or religious attach-

ment to the Undertaking site or concerns regarding the proposed Undertaking. If you are requesting Consulting Party status as an organization, please nominate one representative and an alternate to participate on behalf of your group. Interested parties are requested to contact Katie Stephens (kstephensahl@gmail.com) or contact Christian 0'Connor (coconnor@tmo.com) at the Michaels Organization, agent for HPHA, by April 30, 2022. ■