Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2022 — The Limu Hui: Preserving 'Ike and Restoring Abundance [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Limu Hui: Preserving 'Ike and Restoring Abundance


In September 2014, more than 30 loea limu (traditional limu experts) representing six islands eame together. It was the first gathering of its kind, and a rich time of learning, sharing and documenting 'ike pertaining to native Hawaiian limu. This "gather the gatherers" event was organized by Kua'āina Ulu 'Auamo (KUA) in partnership with the 'Ewa Limu Project. Ihe opportunity for limu practitioners to gather and network is critical to their eollective effort to restore limu knowledge, practice and abundance. An outgrowth of this initial gathering was the Limu Hui, an association of individuals and organizations bound by their passion for limu. The Limu Hui continues to gather annually and has grown to include more than 50 individual limu practitioners who are working to preserve the 'ike related to limu - from mo'olelo and traditions, to its culinary, medicinal and ceremonial uses - as well as to restore limu to abundance in their own communities. There are a number of organizations across the pae aina that focus on limu restoration, education, and invasive species removal including 'Ewa Limu Project, Hānai Ā Ulu, Ko'olau Limu Project, Lāna'i Limu Restoration Project, Mālama Maunalua, Paepae o He'eia, Waihe'e Limu Restoration, Waikalua Loko I'a, and Waimānalo Limu Hui. "The greatest challenges to restoring native limu abundance is getting the seed stock to replant into the oeean and access to abundant salt water to grow out the seed stock," explained Ikaika Rogerson of the Waimānalo Limu Hui. "Luckily for the Limu Hui as a whole we have Unele Wally (Ito) as a resource who cultivates the stock at Ānuenue Lisheries and Research center. He provides limu for all of the restoration projects and

for limu education at many school and community events." Waimānalo Limu Hui on O'ahu hosts a monthly community workday where volunteers ean learn about the different types of limu found in the area and the methods used to outplant limu back into the oeean. Restoring limu abundance starts with education. When to piek limu, how to piek limu without destroying the roots, and taking only what you need are emphasized. So where appropriate, involving the community, especially our keiki, in restoration efforts is one strategy to help replenish dwindling limu resources and build awareness of limu's important role, both culturally and ecologically. Nalani Kaneakua is the director of Ko'olau Limu Project on Kaua'i. They recently hosted a group of lst-5th graders ffom Kanuikapono Public Charter School in Anahola during spring break for a program called "Limu is the Lesson." "We had an overwhelming positive response and interest in more programs that are fun and focused on aina and kai-based learning," said Kaneakua adding that project participants also "have a greater appreciation for limu and of its importance on all levels." Takeaway mana'o from the students included: "Do not take more limu than you need." "When harvesting limu don't pull the roots out." "Only piek enough limu to feed your 'ohana. Lishes and sea urchins need limu too!" ■ For more information about the Limu Hui or other limu restoration projects across the pae 'āina email info@ kuahawaii.org

FoUow KUA and the Limu Hui on thms webstt.es and socia i media ptatforms: 7b votunteer to with limu restoration efforts chectiout these orzanizations:

Year of the Limu Website: go.kuahawaii.org/yearofthelimu Limu Hui: www.kuahawaii.org/limu-hui Limu Hui Facebook: www.facebook.com/LimuHuiKUAhawaii KUA Facebook: www.facebook.com/KUAhawaii lnstagram: (a)kuaainauluauamo Waimānalo Limu Hui: www.waimanalolimuhui.org Waihe'e Limu Restoration: www.waiheelimu.org Waikalua Loko l'a: www.thepaf.org/waikalua/ Mālama Maunalua: www.malamamaunalua.org Paepae o He'eia: www.paepaeoheeia.org

Free "Year of the Limu" Zoom backgrounds are available for download at https://kawaiola.news/cover #YearoftheLimu2022 #noJLJMUnoFISH #LimuHui #KUAhawaii #KuaainaUīuAuamo

Limu Palahalaha on 'opihi - Photo: Malia Heimuli

j * k ' ■ if' Limu Manauea and Limu Nohomahe - Photo: Malia Heimuli

Lepelepe o Hina - Photo: lily Uta'i

' W J Limu kala and limu pepeiao on the papa. - Photo: Kim Moa