Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2022 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



Observing pono practices ean help to stop the spread of the virus to those I love. • E māpoho kākou. Mask up. ■ E holoi lima. Wash your hands. • E mālama i kou pālama. Protectyour'ohana. Above all, I remember that getting vaccinated and boosted ean protect me and my 'ohana from severe illness. HO'OMALU 'IA KĀKOU I KE KUI LA'AU PĀLE. LET US ALL PR0TECT OURSELVES WITH THE VACCINE. Visit hawaiicovid19.com/ to find a vaccination or testing site near you. Still have questions? Email askakauka@gmail.com Day / refers to the first full day afteryour symptoms developed oryour test specimen was collected. Use this day as a starting point when tracking your isolation period and following the guidance in the flowchart on the left.

Brought to you by the NHPI C0VID-19 Collective Awareness and Prevention Campaign 1/\ 'fjH /£) MAT^MIwaiiaki TWE OUEEN S V I ^|fl\ LUNALILO 1 IOXI E V~VI 1/ \ w/ (Ufj ' NATIVEHAWAIIAN WW, HEALIH SYSTEMS LILI'UOkALANI |:>f 1 WL /^L\ . a\7maiŪ( 1 « ^ X KamehamehaSchools- ADVANCEMENT TRUST I^uOli^Uh. W ./ -