Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 3, 1 March 2022 — Native Hawaiian Organizations Partner to Study Wellbeing in Hawai'i [ARTICLE]

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Native Hawaiian Organizations Partner to Study Wellbeing in Hawai'i

The 'lmi Pono Wellbeing Survey offers new insights on eommunity resilience during the pandemic By Ka Wai Ūla Staff Kamehameha Schools, Lili'uokalani Trust, the Ofhce of Hawaiian Affairs and Papa Ola Lōkahi will partner for a comprehensive, statewide study of wellbeing in Hawai'i. The findings will inform organizational planning and improve community services for Native Hawaiians. Data collection for the 2022 'Imi Pono Hawai'i Wellbeing Survey began on February 22 and will build on results from the partnership's 2021 research. The latest findings ffom 2021 show that close family and neighbor relationships, a strong sense of plaee, connections to environment, high levels of civic engagement, and spirituality are key factors to community resilience in Hawai'i. However, uneven access to education and digital connectivity remain serious threats. Those findings, along with 'Imi Pono briefs focused on COVID-19 Impacts, Strengths and Challenges to Native Hawaiian Wellbeing and 'Ōiwi Leadership are available online, accompanied by a dashboard with results for all survey questions, at: www.ksbe.edu/research/ imi_pono_hawaii_wellbeing_survey "From a Native Hawaiian perspective, resilience stems from the interdependence of Akua (God, gods), kānaka (people), and aina (natural environment). When these relationships are in balanee, communities often withstand or rebound from extreme challenges," said Principal Strategist Dr. Brandon Ledward of Kamehameha Schools' Strategy and Transformation Group. "Hawai'i has many strengths when it comes to resilience, however we also face real challenges. The inability of some

Hawai'i households to access reliable, high-speed internet for learning, heahhcare, or employment reduces human and hnaneial capital. We know from prior studies that Native Hawaiians, rural residents, and economically disadvantaged groups are especially vulnerable to educational and digital connectivity gaps." Hawai'i residents, 18 years or older, ean take the survey at www.hawaiiwellbeingsurvey.com. The survey will close when research quotas are achieved. But the 'Imi Pono partnership offers more than data. "Kamehameha Schools, Lili'uokalani Trust, Papa Ola Lōkahi and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs have their respective missions, visions, and focus, however, all four organizations desire the same outcome - to empower and strengthen our people and to build resilient, thriving communities," said OHA Research Director Dr. Lisa Watkins-Victorino. "Collaborating on the 'Imi Pono Survey allows us to leverage our resources and 'ike to meet our individual organizational needs as well as our collective desire to expand how we measure wellheing from a Native Hawaiian perspective." "At Lili'uokalani Trust, we have a deep commitment to making decisions that are aligned with the mission entrusted to us by our MōT Wahine. We understand that the path to break the cycle of poverty and restore abundance for Native Hawaiians and Hawai'i must be based on our strengths with a clear-eyed view of our past and where we stand today. The survey is a way for us to engage with communities in order to create more just and equitable systems," said Dr. Kathy Tibbetts, Director of Research and Evaluation for Lili'uokalani Trust. "Papa Ola Lōkahi is excited to join the 'Imi Pono partnership this year because we know that heahh and wellbeing are critical factors in the lives of Native Hawaiians. We're very grateful for insights the community is sharing with us that will inform our services to 'ohana and communities," said Tercia Ku, Research and Data Coordinator at Papa Ola Lōkahi. ■