Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 2, 1 February 2022 — Cultural Practice is our Strength [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Cultural Practice is our Strength
By Makalauna Feliciano Greetings with love distinguished descendants of Hawai'i. Lili'uokalani Trust (LT) s Strategic Vision 2045 and LT's
Cultural Practice Framework provides a foundation for LT services that are Hawaiian culture-based. Our services
are firmly grounded in the cultural context of our Queen's legacy, our history as a people, and the values and traditions of our ancestors. Our Cultural Practice Intervention (CPI) Group focuses on uplifting and bringing culturally grounded Hawaiian practices forward with our teammates to: engage with our families, ignite or reignite ancestral connections, build self-confi-dence, and increase collective mana. We always remember that our work starts with, and is always connected to, the life and legacy of our Queen Lili'uokalani. She was adept at navigating the ways of the largely westernized society in whieh she lived while holding steadfast to her cultural identity and upbringing as an ali'i. In these contemporary times, we at LT do the same - we are grounded in the values and wisdom of our cultural heritage when working with our kamali'i, 'ohana, and communities as they navigate their way towards healing, growing, and thriving. We believe that cultural wisdom transcends time and is helpful in engaging our 'ohana to build and sustain healthy relationships. In the process, we will strengthen our 'ohana by raising their eultural consciousness and identity as we all connect to ancestral ways of being. ■ Makalauna D. Pelieiano is a Hawaiian practitioner who learned Hawaiian traditions, customs, and beliefsfrotn bothfatnily ancestral lines and illustrious native practitioners and mentors. 'Uniki Hope Kumu Hula and Ho'opa'a Lae'o'o Hu'elepo under Kalani K. Akana. He has been with Lili'uokalani Trust since 1996 and learned Ho'oponopono under Malia Craver and Dennis Kauahi. He has created culturally relevant and innovative euuieulum to work with male Hawaiian youth and teaches Ho'opono, an adaptation of Ho'oponopono, for fatnilies. He has a master's degree in social work, applied suicide intervention skills training, and training in motivational interviewing and mental heahh flrst aid. He authored "Nalu's ]ourney," a Hawaiian storybook that helps youth to speak about their grief and loss.