Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 2, 1 February 2022 — Ho'oma'ema'e: A Traditional Method of Detoxing [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ho'oma'ema'e: A Traditional Method of Detoxing

By Jodi Leslie Matsuo, DrPH Ho'oma'ema'e is a traditional healing practice that involves cleansing or detoxing as a means to correct imbalances within the three dimensions of health: phys-

ieal, mental, and spiritual. Such imbalances are believed to be the cause of many illnesses.

I was privileged with the opportunity to work with a hui of people trained in this healing art form by internationally renowned Aunty Margaret Machado, an expert practitioner in this field whose family taught and passed down this knowledge over many generations. Ho'oma'ema'e is not a simple or quick practice; overnight stays for a period of time are required. The protocol includes ff equent rest, scheduled formulas, and muhiple treatments incorporating lomilomi, ho'oponopono, lā'au lapa'au, and more. Participants also receive evening 'ai pono classes to obtain the knowledge needed to support the physical detox that will continue in the weeks after leaving the program. Meals consists of only whole and fresh plant foods without added oil and sugar. Other food groups are omitted, as they ean hinder the body from eliminating toxins, delay healing, or cause toxins that are released to be reabsorbed. While traditional Hawaiian foods are the base of every meal, other vegetables and fruits are also included to demonstrate readily available food substitutions. This is important, as eaeh cohort commonly includes both continental and international participants. A typical meal includes poi and steamed 'ulu or 'uala, brown rice, salad, fruit, soup, tofu or beans, and a few other plant-based dishes that are prepared steamed, stir-fried, baked, or fresh. Foods are lightly seasoned with Hawaiian sea salt, ginger, garlic, 'olena, dulse, or nutritional yeast. People seeking to improve their heahh ean get a jumpstart by following a similar diet at home for two weeks. ■ Born and raised in Kona, Hawai'i, Dr.Jodi Leslie Matsuo is a Native Hawaiian Registered Dietician and certijied diabetes educator, with training in Integrative and Functional Nutrition. Follow her on Paeehook (@DrJodiLeslieMatsuo), lnstagram (@drlesliematsuo) and on Twitter (@DrLeslieMatsuo).