Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2022 — COVID-19 VACCINATIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu




SHARE SINCERE ALOHA. Listen first. Be open to hearing about the different challenges they faced (with their health and wellbeing, socially, financially, HOW HAVE YOU or 0^ers.) Ask questions. Don't debate or L Ē argue; coming out strong at the start ean DttN UUKIINu backfire. Be compassionate and genuine THEPANDEMIC? while they share how they feel. REQUEST PERMISSION. To influence someone's willingness to consider a ehoiee, it must be on their own MAY WE . |f they say no, respect their decision. Let TALK ABOUT them know, you and your health mean _l_l — M C9 a 9reat ^63' mei Maybe we could talk lrlE VV about the vaccines another time. ■ lf yes, continue the conversation. Consider acknowledging the circumstances. ASK OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS. I I The goal is to understand, not to correct or change behavior. Ask, I I ' ■ What worries you most? What did you hear or experience that led WHAT ARE you to feel this way ? YOUR RESPOND EMPATHETICALLY. THOUGHTS ON Avoid passing judgement and instead reflect THE VACCINE? backwhatyou hear lt sounds like you re feehng... I hear you saying that... If I understand you correctly, what's most 4 1 UNDERSTAND THEIR MOTIVATIONS. ON A SCALE OF Seek information about why they've rated 1 t/-\ m un\A/ ^e'r comf°l",: accordingly. Ask why it isn't less. Ask what would make it more. For example, if COMFORTABLE they rate their comfort level a 4, inquire, DO YOU FEEL ABOUT ■ Why 4? Why not 3? T|-|E VACCINES? " What factors would make you feel more comfortable saying 5 or 6?

ASK IF YOU CAN SHARE YOUR VACCINATION STORY. Stay within the boundaries of your own OKAY WITH YOU experience, IF I SHARE MY " "'"he questions/concerns you had beforehand ■ Where you learned what you know STORY? Who you consulted with ■ How your appointment went ■ How you felt afterwards ■ How you feel now HELP THEM FIND THEIR REASONS FOR VACCINATION. I Sil ^ I Show support for incorporating their personal values and health needs of their 'ohana and WHOM DO YOU community into their decision. Consider bridging your reasons as a way to inquire about WANTTO theirs, for example, KEEP SAFE? " Forme'J was... t ■ Sounds like for you, it s a matter of... ■ ■ Have you considered... (eommon goals and needs) HELP THEM TAKE THE NEXT STEP. Make their path to getting the shot shorter, I r/|l [i|fīWĪT^ easier and less stressful. Based on what you've learned in the conversation, consider offering to, ■ Share resources you found personally l'M HERE FOR ... . . . ... ■ Schedule a telehealth appointment with YOUR SUPPORT their physician to answer questions Mn R/| ATTFD before or after getting the shot ^ ■ Make an appointment at a nearby elinie WHAT. with no wait time and go with them for support ■ Give them a ride to the elinie or watch ?' their keiki during their appointment ■ Call to hear how they're feeling the day of and days following their appointment

Brought to you by the NHPI COVID-19 Collective Awareness and Prevention Campaign