Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, 1 January 2022 — Page 36 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Keli'i "Skippy" loane Community Activist & Haku Mele When we lose faith anel can't see the light at the enel of the tunnel, kanakas going find something for blame. But the blame game not going work. We need to stick together. For now, we need to act to protect our 'ohana.

Dalylah Rodrigues High School Senior No one wants to catch CŪVID. I got my vaccine for my dassmates anel my family. I feel like we students missed so mueh school already. I want to end the pandemic and do my part.

Meleana Manuel KumuHula, l /oleano, Hawai'i |0ur keiki are our future and our kūpuna are our eonneeīion to our past. We need to protect all for our lāhui to survive. Covid-19 doesn't care how strong or healthy you are. It doesn't care about your age, ethnicity, or gender. But I care.

m Dawson Kealalio Fourth Srader I don't want my Tūtū to catch C0VID from me. It didn't even hurt that mueh. Hurts more to miss so mueh school.
