Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, 1 January 2022 — OHA's Peak Opportunities in 2022...I MUA!!! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA's Peak Opportunities in 2022...I MUA!!!
Welina! Aloha Mai Kākou! Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! With the eulmination of 2021, it is 43 years since OHA was established. It is with aloha that I look back at all of the effort and ambition and review what we have been trying to achieve. The more solidly we have laid foundations for OHA's success, the greater capability we have for achieving our mission at this time. But if
we have broken the rules, done TTrhof 1 e T"\ /rf tT/MTA
what is not pono, or taken shortcuts, then we have only ourselves to hlame. For kūpuna, this is one of the most important times in our lives. It is almost as if we have heen climbing a mountainfor many years, and now the "peak" isfinaūy in sight. There are areas where OHA has prepared carefully whieh will now heeome tremendously productive. Our opportunities are at a "peak" for achievement and
for additional responsibility and power. If OHA tries to avoid its increased responsibilities, we might run the risk of losing everything, even in the areas where we have prepared well and have taken responsibility. Completing our Mana i Mauli Ola 15year strategic plan has allowed us the ability to work on particularly exacting and detailed creative projects, from education to heahh and culture. The degree of stability achieved at this time will greatly help our beneficiaries have a solid core of assets into perpetuity.
Leina'ala Ahu Isa, Ph.D. Vice Chair, Trustee, At-large
OHA will survive only if we are able to satisfy the REAL needs of our people. We must be particularly conscious of this now. The more REAL our objectives are, the more we ean help our beneficiaries by making benevolent choices. I hear our beneficiaries saying things like, "Why hasn't God given us tnore? Don't I deserve better? What's the point in trying? I could never be great at anything because nobody gives
me a ehanee. Life is so hard! No one understands!
Why doesn't OHA do something?"** * *Translation: Why hasn't the State of Hawai'i given us the 20% revenue due to OHA as written in its eonstitution? What's the point of trying to increase revenue to help our people when the Hawai'i Community Development Authority and the Legislature places obstacles to hloek us without even giving us a fair ehanee for a hearing?
Even though our lawmakers might resist our efforts, I think it is advisable to work patiently to bring them around to our point of view. We shouldn't withdraw from the confrontations, but also not fight blindly. That would guarantee defeat. Kindness, patience and perseveranee will carry us through (see "words to live by" in attached photo). Ke Akua Pū. Me ka ha'aha'a, a hui hou, Trustee Leina'ala Ahu Isa ■