Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, 1 January 2022 — MEA O LOKO [ARTICLE]

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lanuali (January) 2021 | Vol. 39, No. 01

MO'OLELO NUI | C0VER FEATURE Celebrating Community at Kalaupapa pagesie22 January has been declared "Kalaupapa Month" to serve as an annual reminder to the people of Hawai'i of Kalaupapa's important plaee in our history and the many sacrifices and achievements of its residents. In honor of this, we present six mo'olelo about the community of Kalaupapa. 'ĀINA | LANŪ AND WATER Crisis at Kapūkakī pages« Massive fuel storage tanks at Kapūkakī (Red Hill) have contaminated the drinking water of 92,000 O'ahu residents. The U.S. Navy's refusal to shut down their facility has given rise to a eoalihon of Native Hawaiian organizations and supporters determined to protect our 'āina and wai.

KĀLAIHO'OKELE WAIWAI PA'A LOA | EC0N0MIC STABILITY Reshaping Tourism pagese-i3 BY LISA HUYNH ELLER Early in the pandemic, Hawai'i residents got a brief respite from tourism, and now many residents and organizations - including the Hawai'i Tourism Authority - want to adopt a "regenerative" model of tourism. KAIĀULU | COMMUNITY Caring for Kūpuna and Caregivers in Hāna PAGE 14 BY LIP0A KAHALEUAHI OHA grantee Ma Ka Hana Ka 'lke is providing wrap-around services to Native Hawaiian kūpuna and caregivers, from providing healthy foods and culture-based activities to home repairs.