Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, 1 January 2022 — Maka'alae [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ke Ao Hōli'i, ū Hōnū-būsed nonprofit has aquired more ihan 30 acres al Mūka'alae (pictured above) located along Maoi's Hōna coasl. The aquisition is "phase Iwo" of ū four-phase plan lo purchase and permanently preserve 1.5 miles of coastline and open space south of Hōna lown. Maka'alae is ū wahi pana wilh rich mo'olelo associaled wilh ihe area. Ke Ao Hōli'i has been working in partnership wilh ihe State of Hawai'i, County of Maui and ihe Hawai'i Land Trusl. Upon eomplelion of ihe plan, all 152 acres of undeveloped land will be managed by Ke Ao Hōli'i wilh help from ihe Hōna community and supporling parlners. They will implemenl ū land management plan lo halanee eulloml and community access while preserving ihe 'ōina ūs ū eonservalion area,- Photo: Courtesy