Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, 1 January 2022 — More than 150 Acres of Hāna Coastline Protected [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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More than 150 Acres of Hāna Coastline Protected

Hāna-based nonprofit eommunity organization Ke Ao Hāli'i (Save Hāna Coast), in partnership with the State of Hawai'i, County of Maui, and Hawai'i Land Trust (HILT), announced in November the purchase of more than 30 acres at Maka'alae

along Maui's Hāna coast. The purchase completes the second phase of a four-phase plan that started in 2018 to purchase and permanently preserve 1.5 miles of coastline and open space south of Hāna town, ffom Hāmoa Beach to Waioka Pond and Waihonu Stream. Ke Ao Hāli'i purchased the land for just over $3 million from Hana Ranch Partners, with the State Legacy Land Conservation Program contributing nearly $1.6 million, and the County of Maui's Open Space Fund eontributing $1.5 million. The land is permanently protected with a conservation easement co-held by HILT and the County of Maui. "Mahalo Ke Akua for helping us find the way and blessing us with purchasing this aina and giving a ehanee for the descendants and community to mālama this special plaee," said John (Irish) 0'Hara, a lineal descendant and resident of Maka'alae and vice-chair for Ke Ao Hāli'i. "This is a priceless holiday gift for our community today and for generations to eome. To preserve 30 acres on the Hāna coastline will ensure that one of Hawai'i's few remaining Hawaiian eommunities will be able to perpetuate traditional cultural practices for years to eome," said Maui Mayor Miehael Victorino. "The conservation easements over these lands prohibit subdivision and development, allowing for the continuation of cultural practice, ranching, indigenous oeean food systems, and maintaining community access in perpetuity," said Shae Kamaka'ala, HILT's Director of Āina Protection. This effort builds on conservation work spanning nearly two decades. The third phase plan includes protecting 40 additional coastal acres at Mokae. Onee that is complete, Hāna Ranch Partners has committed to donating the remaining parcels (previously protected in conservation easements with HILT) to Ke Ao Hali'i, completing the acquisition and protection of all 152 acres of SEE NEWS BRIEFS ON PAGE 31


NEWS BRIEFS Continued from page 30

Defend Kanūkakī

On December 12, Ka'ohewai, o new coolition of Native Hawaiian kia'i formed to protect the wai ot Kapūkakī, built a ko'a (shrine) at the entrance of the U.S. Pacific Fleet command headquarters. According to Ka'ohewai, "the ko'a will remain in plaee ūs a focal point for Hawaiian religious practices until the Navy removes its fuel tanks. Ka'ohewai is urging all those who care about our precioos woter resources to offer at the ko'a their prayers and wai (fresh woter) from their own lands. Ko'ū are ceremonial focal points thot draw and multiply abundance, health and ola (life)." - Photo: Ka'ohewai

undeveloped lands makai of Hāna Highway from Haneo'o Road to Waiohonu Stream. The land will be managed by Ke Ao Hali'i with help of the Hāna community and supporting partners through the implementation of a land management plan that will enahle community access and cultural, subsistence, agricultural and recreational uses, while preserving the eon-

servation values of the land. To learn more and contribute to this effort, visit savehanacoast. org/campaign.