Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, 1 January 2022 — Legislative Session 2022 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Legislative Session 2022
By Sheri Daniels The Hawai'i State Legislative Session will begin on Wednesday, January 19, 2022! The typical work of the State Legislature will likely be even more fast-paced than usual, as the historic federal response to the pandemic continues to require robust efforts in state implementation. The work of Papa Ola Lōkahi includes taking steps to support heahh policy that reflects the values and goals of our lāhui, such as access to Native Hawaiian traditional healing practices and supporting our cultural practitioners. We also hope that our lāhui will use their voices to speak to the many topics that impact Native Hawaiians throughout Hawai'i through puhlie feedback and engagement during the 2022 session. The State of Hawai'i offers resources that help to facilitate community engagement and participation with legislative process. The Legislative Reference Bureau's Puhlie Access Room (PAR) is a non-partisan ofhce that provides information, facilities, and services including knowledge of how the Capitol operates, computers, printers, and ofRce supplies to research, draft correspondence, or write testimony. Additionally, televisions are available to view hearings, workspace is available, as well as many other textual resources that will help orient you to both the history and the process of our state legislature. For continued heahh and safety, the PAR is not accepting walk-in visitors, but is available via phone (808) 587-0478 or email (par@cap-
itol.hawaii.gov). The PAR staff eontinue to conduct workshops and tutorials on Zoom as well, and offer their resources via website (https:// lrb.hawaii.gov/par/) and on social media through Facebook (Puhlie Access Room, Hawai'i State Legislature), Twitter (@Hawaii_PAR), and on YouTube (Hawaii Puhlie Access Room). Knowing your legislators and whieh committees they are assigned to is also an important part of the legislative process. The legislative website (https://www. capitol.hawaii.gov) ean help you identify who your representatives are based on your residence. The website also allows for tracking bills of interest, submitting eomments or testimony, and more - and these functions and tools have helpful how-to videos provided by the PAR. To date, no announcement ffom the State Capitol has been made regarding a decision to resume puhlie participation in-person or to remain on Zoom; we anticipate that our legislators are carefully monitoring COVID-19. In 2021, live video on the House and Senate YouTube pages and remote testimony via Zoom was made available, whieh provided increased accessibility and opportunity for community members who do not reside on O'ahu to participate. The role of Papa Ola Lōkahi, whieh is meant to uplift Native Hawaiian heahh through a variety of mechanisms, supports both access to heahh resources as well as advocacy regarding the regulations and laws that govern heahh. We are grateful to the community members who have participated in E Ola Mau a Mau and other sessions to share their mana'o with us. ■ Sheri-Ann Daniels, Ed.D., is executive director of Papa Ola Lōkahi, the Hawaiian Heahh Board that includes Office of Hawaiian Affairs among its members. Eaeh month Papa Ola Lōkahi will share precious community efforts that contribute to the health and wellbeing ofNative Hawaiians and theirfamilies.