Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, 1 January 2022 — OHA's 2022 Legislative Package [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA's 2022 Legislative Package

By Nina Ki, Letani Peltier anel Sharde Freitas, OHA Puhlie Policy Advocates Another exciting legislative session is just around the corner with opening day on Jan. 19, 2022. Although the details have not been finalized, House leadership has announced their intent to continue enabling remote meetings and testimony to enhanee puhlie participation in the legislative process, although they anticipate that with reduced pandemic restrictions, the State Capitol may be re-opening to the puhlie soon. OHA's Puhlie Policy team is looking forward to utilizing the lessons learned from the last legislative session as we continue to advocate for the lāhui at the legislature in 2022. Puhlie Policy has been hard at work preparing for the coming legislative session. From July through September, Puhlie Policy advocates met with approximately 50 community organizations to discuss ideas and issues to help develop OHA's 2022 legislative package. These important conversations yielded over 125 potential legislative concepts, whieh Puhlie Policy then refined into a proposal for approval by the OHA Board of Trustees. Ultimately, the Board of Trustees (1) approved the drafting and submission of a Puhlie Land Trust focused bill to the 2022 legislature; and (2) approved the measure entitled Building Back Pono: Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities in the Post-COVID Era to be included in the 2022 Legislative Package.

LEGISLATIVE SESSIŪN 1) Uie Public Land Trust Act 273, Session Laws of Hawai' i 1980, enacted section 10-13.5, Hawai' i Revised Statutes, to implement the Office of Hawaiian affairs' pro rata share and provide that "[t]wenty per cent of all funds derived from the puhlie land trust . . . shall be expended by the [Office of Hawaiian Affairs] . . . for the purposes of this chapter." The State of Hawai'i has formally recognized that "twenty percent of all funds derived from the puhlie land trust" must be set aside to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for the betterment of the conditions of Native Hawaiians and to serve as receptacle for reparations to the Native Hawaiian People. However, based on independent audits and the state's own accounting, OHA has determined that the amount

NEWS F0R THE LĀHUI currently received falls woefully short of the 20% owed to Native Hawaiians. OHA seeks to prioritize holding the State of Hawai'i accountable with this measure. 2) Building Back Pono: Addressing Socioeconomie Disparities for a Post-COVID-19 Era The goal of this measure is to ensure that future developments do not amplify socioeconomic divides in Hawai'i as we build back smarter beyond the pandemie. The current environmental review process eonsiders social welfare, eeonomie welfare, and cultural practices - but does not include a specific analysis of whether an action will exacerbate existing socioeconomie disparities. Past projects that have impacted vulnerable communities or widened socioeconomic divides include the Keaukaha, Waimānalo Gulch, and Kahuku windmill controversies. By adding a socioeeonomie disparities analysis to the environmental review process, this measure seeks to encourage deci-sion-makers to consider whether a proposed project would unfairly impact disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. Puhlie Policy would like to extend its mahalo to everyone who participated in the legislative outreach process. The 'ike that was shared is invaluable; it helps Puhlie Policy to better understand the various issues in the Native Hawaiian community and will help to inform Puhlie Policy's advocacy for years to eome. ■