Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, 1 January 2022 — KAI MARKELL [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT MANAGER COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 17 YEARS AT OHA At OHA, Kai Markell is responsible for ensuring that other government agencies comply with their constitutional, statutory and judicial mandates to assist Native Hawaiians. Before joining OHA, Markell worked for 10 years at the Department of Land and Natural Resources protecting ancestral burial and historic sites. Every year, OHA receives hundreds of requests to review and comment on various federal, state and county projects and the discretionary permitting by these agencies. Conducting these reviews is the kuleana of Markell and his team. One ongoing review project concerns the state's inefficient handling of ancestral burial site care, management and protection. There are also multiple environmental reviews related to the military including land retention at Pōhakuloa and Mākua, the $2 hillion Missile Defense Agency radar project, and the leaking Red Hill fuel tanks. Another high-priority focus for his team is the near-imminent extinction of four highly endangered native birds. Markell says he is a very simple kanaka who lives life with humility, gratitude and aloha. His role models are Christ and Queen Lili'uokalani, both of whom taught him the virtues of love, peaee and forgiveness, and his favorite books are by the Dalai Lama and Vietnamese monk Ihieh Nhat Hanh. Markell seeks to refine his soul and become a more loving and peaceful being. He is also a huge Star Wars fan. "I remain intrigued at the ability of people to possess elements of both Jedi and Sith," he said, noting that we all have light and dark within us and must find halanee. For Markell, a graduate of Kamehameha and UH Mānoas Richardson School of Law, working at OHA is a way to serve our people. "After almost 30 years on the frontlines, to wake up eaeh day and utilize my knowledge, skills, experience, 'ike Hawai'i and aloha to serve the lāhui alongside beautiful, committed, dedicated co-workers brings me tremendous personal satisfaction." ■

1 V Photo: Lynette Cruz