Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2021 — Page 35 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Classified ads only $1 2.50 - Type or clearly write your ad of no more than 175 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail, along with a eheek for $12.50, to: Ka Wai Ola Classifieds, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200, Honolulu, Hl 96817. Make eheek payable to OHA. (We cannot accept credit cards.) Ads and payment must be received by the 15th forthe next month's edition of Ka Wai Ola. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org with the subject "Makeke/Classified." OHA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, for any reason, at our discretion.

BY0D0-IN ĪEMPLE GLASS Aloha everyone, I am selling (5) Byodo-ln īemple Glass "Cemetery Niches" that hold up to (6) urns eaeh. The temple is located at the foot of the Ko olau Mountains in the Valley of the Temples. The niches are all grouped together and located at a very desirable height where as one does not have to bend down or use a ladder to visit loved ones. The present selling price for eaeh niehe is $1 2,550 with 95% of the niches being sold in the temple, it would be only a matter of time beore the prices double. Now is the time to plan for the future, and purchase these niches for your family and loved ones. Buying the niches as an investment would be a great idea also with that being said, I am selling all (5) niches for the low price o only $50,000 or 0.B.0. that is a great savings of $1 2,500.... Please only serious inguiries only. Aloha and God bless. G0T MEDICARE? With Medicare you have options. We compare those options for you! No Cost! No 0bligations! Call Kamaka Jingao 808.286.0022, or visit www.kamakajingao.com. Hi Lie #4331 87 FR0M H0MES WITH AL0HA- Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year from my ohana to yours. The holidays sometimes bring not only happiness but also sadness for some. I'm Just a phone eall away Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (808) 295-4474. HAWAIIAN MEM0RIAL PARK CEMETERY Kāne'ohe, Valley View. Lot 130, B-1. Price $5,500.00. Callortext 808-292-6159. HAWAIIAN MEM0RIAL PARK CEMETERY Garden of Memories. Lot 296 Section B Site 3 with 2nd right internment. 2 caskets, or 1 casket and 1 urn, or 2 urns. Value $14,000 selling for $5000. Call 808-282-5763

H0MES WITH ALOHA-Planning on a FRESH START in the new year? Perhaps it involves Relocating, downsizing into a smaller home, or needing a larger home. Whatever the need is if a smooth transition is what you're looking for, eall Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 295- 4474 RB-15998 Keller Williams Honolulu RB-21 303. KANAKA MAOLI P0WER- Kānaka maoli flags ($10), Royal flags ($15), official Hawaiian flag ($10), all 3' x 5' size. Very large Hawaiian flag 86"x150" ($110). Hawaiian hand flag 6"x9" ($2), car flags 11"x20" with car-window elip ($6). Flags made of strong polyester. Also patches T-shirts and tank tops. 0rder online www. kanakamaolipower.org or phone 808-631 - 9451. NEED T0 BUY 0R SELL A HOME? Are you relocating, moving, or downsizing? I'm here to assist your real estate needs! Chansonette F. Koa (R) (808) 685-0070 w/ HomeSmart lsland Homes LIC: #RB-22929 | LIC: #RB-22805 eall, email, or checkout my online info at: www.chansonettekoa. eom SEEKING A F/T CULTURAL SPECIALIST. Hi'ipaka LLC is seeking a F/T Cultural Specialist to join our team. For more information and full job description please visit our website at www.WaimeaValley.net. THINKING 0F BUYING 0R SELLING A HOME? Call Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 295- 4474 RB-15998. Keller Williams Honolulu RB-21 303. To view current listings, go to my website HomeswithAloha.com. Call or email me at Charmaine. QuilitPoki@kw.com to learn more about homeownership. Mahalo nui! Specialize in Fee Simple & Homestead Properties for over 30 years. VALLEY 0F THE TEMPLES MEM0RIAL PARK. Kaneohe, Oahu. Memory Slope Map 1, Lot 1 14, Site 4. Includes concrete urn and bronze marker. Valued at $1 0,500, selling at $9,500. Text or eall (808) 9879201. ■