Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 12, 1 December 2021 — MEA O LOKO [ARTICLE]
mo'olelo nui | c0ver feature Welina iā 'oe, e LONO! i gesis BY KALIK0 BAKER, PH.D. For centuries, our kūpuna observed the Makahiki, a season of peaee dedicated to Lono. It has now been 40 years since the Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana revived traditional Makahiki practices on Kaho'olawe. nā h0pena 0lakin0 | healīh 0utc0mes Perpetuating and Caring for Ancestral Remains page7 BY 'IHILANI CHU The Hawaiian Church of Hawai'i Nei, an 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs grant recipient, is teaching the community to create the items needed to care for and reinter our iwi kūpuna.
Kekemapa (December) 2021 | Vol. 38, No. 12 kālaiho'okele waiwai pa'a l0a | ec0n0mic stability Native Hawaiians Represented at AIANĪA Conference page« BY CHERYL CHEETSUTSUMI A Native Hawaiian delegation participated in the Amenean lndian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA) conference in October. 'āina | lanū and water Military Land Use Plan i ge2 BY KYLE KAJIHIR0, PH.D. Large tracts of Hawaiian lands currently leased to the U.S. military for nominal fees will expire in 2029 providing an opportunity to seek the return of this 'āina.