Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2021 — Nā Kamali'i Talk Story: Creating Generational Understanding [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Nā Kamali'i Talk Story: Creating Generational Understanding


ByJacob Aki Nā Kamali'i Talk Story was created during the peak of the C0VID-19 pandemic in Spring 2020. The purpose was to create a safe space for youth to eome together and have discussions that were typically only done with adults. This idea stemmed from members of Oregon-based Ka 'Aha Lāhui O 'Olekona Hawaiian Civic Club (KALO) who wanted to hear the ideas and concerns of their 'ōpio members. "In conversations with the opio, they expressed their frustration at not having opportunities to learn about historical and cultural issues that were affecting their future," said Kumu Hula Leialoha Ka'ula of Ka Lei Hali'a o Ka Lokelani and a member of KALO. "Hearing those concerns, we, our club continued to meet with youth members of KALO to pitch the idea of creating Nā Kamali'i Talk Story." Excited, motivated, and without hesitation, the opio quickly began to reach out to their peers and worked to put together their first panel discussion. The first Nā Kamali'i Talk Story focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and featured Dr. Richard Leman

(Chief Medical Ofhcer, Oregon Heahh Authority), Dr. Richard Leman, Senior Epidemiologist Tila Liko, and educators Wiliama Sanchez and Steffany Wong Paeheeo. These discussions gave the opio an opportunity to ask questions about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it was affecting their education and their communities. This was just the beginning for many of these 'ōpio. For sophomore Chloe Rodrigues, a haumana of Kumu Ka'ula, Nā Kamali'i Talk Story is important because she believes that it is a platform that allows her and her peers to share their voices, perspectives, and experiences.

"We have learned so mueh by having our questions answered by professionals, hearing their point of view, and learning from the insight they provide," said Rodrigues. "We also have an opportunity to share our

perspective with them on the issues that are important to us." Rodrigues and her peers recognize that platforms like Nā Kamali'i Talk Story provide them with the opportunity to have open and honest conversations that also help to create generational understanding and shrink the gap between kūpuna, mākua and opio. More importantly, it helps to elevate the voices of opio. "Through Nā Kamali'i Talk Story, we are able to learn about the issues while also being able to be a part of the conversation" said Rodrigues. "We no longer have to watch ffom the sidelines, we're able to jump right in." ■ To learn more, visit https://www.facebook. com/KALOHCC. JacobAki is the directorofcommunicationsfor the Hawai'i State Senate and president ofKaiwi'ula Strategies. He isfrom Kapālama, O'ahu, and active in various Native Hawaiian civic organizations such as Hale 0 Nā Ali'i 0 Hawai'i and the Association ofHawaiian Civic Clubs.

Kumu Hula Leialoha Ka'ula

Chloe Rodrigues