Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2021 — MEA O LOKO [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



'Okakopa (October) 2021 | Vol. 38, No. 10

MO'OLELO NUI | C0VER FEATURE ehieken Skin! Ghost Stories from Hawai'i >agesi6-i7 BYCHERYLCHEETSUTSUMI Meet Lopaka Kapanui, an 'Ōiwi storyteller renowned for his tales of the supernatural and the ghosts who haunt Hawai'i. KĀLAIHO'OKELE WAIWAI PA'A LOA | EC0N0MIC STABILITY Protecting Subsistence Resources in Miloli'i page9 BY KA'IMI KAUPIKO Miloli'i residents have drafted a marine management plan and proposed rules to ensure that their oeean resources will eonhnue to thrive into the future.

MAULI OLA | HEALTH AND WELLBEING OHA Delivers Meals & Mahalo to Hawai ' i's Healthcare Heroes ages BY ED KALAMA To show appreciation for frontline health care workers, OHA has been making 'ai pono luneh deliveries to loeal hospitals. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month pages 12-13 A special section highlighting efforts to address the crises of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and Missing and Murdered lndigenous Women and Girls. Protecting our Lāhui from C0VID-19 pages 18-20 This special section includes C0VID Conversations, Ask a Kauka, 'Aha Kūkā Ho'oponopono and a mana'o on parenting during the pandemic.