Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 9, 1 September 2021 — SEARCH [ARTICLE]

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CAZIMER0 - Kamila & Manuel Cazimero - We are updating our Kamila and Manuel Cazimero family tree and planning our next family reunion. Please eheek out our Facebook page: Hui 'o Manuel a me Kamila Reunion, or contact Stacy Hanohano at (808) 520-4212 for more information. CHARTRAND - Aloha John Francis Carson Chartrand is my Grandfather on my mother's side. He eame to Hawai'i in the 20s with the Calvary. He married four Hawaiian women in his life and had many children. Mary Keahi Kaohu, Edith Kapule Kalawaia, Margaret Keanalani Claesene and Helen Brown. My mother Isabelle Leina'ala Chartrand Kainoa and brother Harold Kalawaia Chartrand had eleven half siblings. In honor of all the Chartrand 'Ohana that have passed on, to meet Grandpa Chartrand. We want to plan a reunion. We need everyone to kokua with your current contact info to cousin Cami Chartrand 4465098 email Chartrandreunion2020@ gmail.com or John Kainoa 244-8428, johnkainoa6l@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you. Mahalo John. GRAMBERG - Searching for the descendants or any related 'ohana of Herman Gramberg and Rose Anakalea. Children of Herman and Rose are Herman "Waha", Theresa, George, Vivian, Henry "Heine", Darilynn, and Rosebud. Looking to update genealogical information. Please email gramberg ohanal@gmail.com. Any information shared is greatly appreciated. Mahalo! HARB0TTLE - I am looking for information on my greatgreat grandmother. Her name is Talaimanomateata or Kua'analewa, she was Tahitian and married to or had a child with George Nahalelaau Harbottle. Born in 1815 on O'ahu and son of John Harbottle of England and Papapaunauapu daughter of Haninimakaohilani and Kauhiaimokuakama. I know from Edward Hulihee Harbottle's (my great grandfather) Guardianship court case that when his father George died his mother was on Maui and the case was stopped until she could be in court. When she appeared in court she said it was fine if Edward H. Boyd heeame his guardian. There are family stories that she had eome from an ali'i family of Tahiti and was in Hawai'i as a ward of the court. I have not been able to substantiate this information. If anyone in the family knows where I might look it would be wonderful to know. Please eontact me at waiakaphillips@yahoo.com or eall 808-936-3946. Mahalo, Noelani Willing Phillips. HO'OPI'I - I am looking for 'ohana and information on the wahine Hoopii who married James Love after 1860 in Hawai'i. Hoopii died in 1954 in Honolulu and James died 1913 on

Maui. James and Hoopii Love had three children, all born in Honolulu: Annie Kaniniu b.l870, James R.K. b.l871, and William Kaliko b.l874. I am looking for any information especially on Hoopii. Please contact U'ilani Tacgere, phone/text 808-696-6843 or email uipua@aol.com. All information is welcomed! Working to update my genealogy info. & make eonneetions to 'ohana! KAIKUA'ANA - He Ho'olaha kēia mai ka aina 'a'ali'i kū makani. 'Auhea 'oukou e nā 'ohana mai ke kulaiwi 'O KAMAO'A-KA'Ū, Hawai'i. Aloha no 'O KA'U. We are sending out a "kāhea" call-searching for our 'ohana/ direct descendants of our kūpuna: John Moses "Moki" Kaikua'ana-born in Puna, Feb. 1870-1926 and Mary "Juliana Mele" Haloa Kauhai - born in Kamao'a, Kau, 1873-1937. Their ehildren were: Kamalama, David Heiau, Twins - Keawepukapu & Naholowa'a, 'Ioane (John)-Kawailani, Julia-Kapali, C. Andrew-Keanuinui, Malie Pi'iīani, Makia, Elizabeth-Kawehi, KatherineKeli'i, Makia II. We are humbly asking anyone with any information, photos, videos, interviews, documentation or any other genealogical information to please contact: Kehaulani Lee HongMauga (granddaughter of Charles & Elizabeth Kawehi Akiu (Kaikua'ana) Phone: (808) 937-6440 E-Mail: leehong@hawaii.edu. We are looking to gather contact information and link up our genealogical connections and resources to create a genealogy book for the 'ohana and to also plan for a family reunion in the near future. KAIWA - Looking for descendants or related 'Ohana Members of 'BILL KAIWA', aka 'SOLOMAN ANI. Please contact ROBERTA BOLLIG 320-248-3656 or flh63kb@yahoo.com MAHALO! KALEP0NI - We will be postponing our Ho'ohui Ohana/Family/ Reunion of October 2021 to sometime in 2022, due to COVID-l9 and also due to the restrictions made by Governor Ige. If there is any questions here are the contacts: Kawai Palmer - kphulahaka@gmail.com or (801) 380-7508, Mollie Cohen - Mollie. C0hen5@icl0ud.c0m or (901) 4930810, D.Madriaga - cadee5454@gmail. eom or (725) 400-2780, Jan Makepa - jmakepa00l@gmail.eom or (808) 3497502, and James Millwood -millwoodaooi@hawaii.rr.eom or (808) 2921624. Mahalo for your understanding. Aloha Nui, A Hui Hou, Mālama Pono, KALEPONI 'OHANA. MAKUA - Looking for descendants or related 'ohana members of Henry K. Makua (year of birth: 1907, Honolulu) Father: Joseph K. Makua, Mother: Mary Aukai, Sisters: Malia and Mele, Sons: Henery and Donald Makua. Joseph and Mary may have orginated from Kaua'i. Looking for genealogical information. Please contact - emakua.makua@gmail.com. Mahalo! MCC0RRIST0N - We are updating the McCorriston family tree!

Descendants of Daniel McCorriston and Annie Nelson/Anna McColgan, Hugh McCorriston and Margaret Louise Gorman, Edward McCorriston and Mauoni, and Daniel McCorriston and Jane Johnson, please forward your family information to Lynn Kanani Daue at editor@themccorristonsofmolokai.org. We also weleome updates from the descendants of McCorriston cousin John McColgan and his wife Kala'iolele Kamanoulu and Samuel Hudson Foster and Margaret Louise Gorman. P 1 0 - The descendants of Kepio aka Kaawalauole/Kaawalauloa/Keliipio/ Pio and wife Keoahu of Kaupo, Maui, will be having a Virtual Family Reunion online, Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 3-5, 2021. Kepio and Keoahu had six children who used the surname Kepio or Pio at some point in their lives: Kahaleuahi (k), Nakoaelua (w), Malaea (w), Kaukani (k), Ipoaloha (w) and Kaleohano (k). Sampson Kahaleuahi (k) married Anadasis Kealoha Piimanu. Victoria Nakoaelua (w) married Kunihi, then Kahaleauki. Julia "Maria" Malaea (w) had a relationship with Keahinuuanu then married Sam Akahi Sr. Samuel Kaukani (k) married Mele Kakaio then Rebecca Malulu. Ipoaloha (w) married Theodore George Kalalani Kekiwi. Joseph Kaleohano (k) married Mele Kanakaokekai then Minnie Aloiau. To request the link to attend or to be added to our family's email list, email: pioohana@gmail.com. Contact: Ka'apuni Peters-Wong 808-375-4321, Toni Kowalski 808-436-1845, Donna HueSing Curimao 808-264-3178, Valda "Sweetheart" Baisa Andaya 808-572-9245 or Kapi'olani Adams 808-778-6383. STEWARD - Looking for descendants or 'ohana of James and Meaalani Steward of Kahalu'u, O'ahu. Please contact William Steward: wsteward52@yahoo.com if you are interested in a family reunion. TITC0MB - For all descendants of Charles Titcomb and Kanikele - it's time to update the family information for another family reunion. Anyone that would be interested to be on the planning committee, contact: K. Nani Kawaa at titcombfamilyreunion@ gmail.com. Y0NG/KUKAHIK0 - Kalei Keahi / Ah Foon Yong and John Mahele Kukahiko / Daisy Nahaku Up dating genealogy information on these 2 ohana. Please send to Janelle Kanekoa ( granddaughter of Samuel Apo Young/ Yong and Daisybelle Kukahiko) email me @ nehaukanekoa@gmail.com. Please list on top right whieh ohana you belong to. Yong or Kukahiko. ■