Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 9, 1 September 2021 — Helping Fellow Kānaka to Stay in Hawai'i [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Helping Fellow Kānaka to Stay in Hawai'i


By Kawehi Onekea Is there anything sadder than a Hawaiian who has to move away or can't return home because they can't afford to live in Hawai'i? I wonder if I'll be the last generation in my family to live here. With home prices near a million dollars I don't anticipate being able to ever buy a home here, and I fear that unless I ean leave property to my sons, the market will continue to price them out of being able to stay. If you feel in your na'au that one of our greatest callings is helping fellow Hawaiians stay in and return to Hawai'i, join me in taking daily action to make it happen. Many Hawaiians own businesses and rely on them for their entire ineome or to make ends meet. Support from the lāhui ean mean the difference between struggling and surviving. 1. Buy from Kānaka and choose Kānaka-made. Be conscious of where you spend your money - whether buying goods, services, or dining out. Large corporations may hire loeal people, but their profits leave our loeal economy. In contrast, Kānaka keep money in our communities. 2. Understand that it's expensive to do business in Hawai 'i (from shipping costs to rent, fees, and taxes) and expect to pay more. Big box stores ean get better shipping rates, outsource labor to cheaper international markets, and buy in bulk. With the support of the community, a small business ean

grow, achieve scale and eventually lower prices. If you find eheap, handmade, locally sourced, Kānaka-made goods, it's likely the business owner is underpaid for their time and/or goods and is losing money. 3. Support the little guys as well as big designer names. We all love MANAOLA, but there are other talented Kānaka who also need your help to succeed. 4. If you love a Kanaka's craft, mission, advocacy, or content - support them. Hawaiians are incredibly generous, especially with their mana'o and 'ike. If you appreciate what they share or how they contribute, give back. Even if you don't have mueh money, you ean still kāko'o: 1. Share and support Kānaka businesses through social media and word of mouth. Tell people in your circles about this business and why you think they're eool. 2. If you have a lot of something - like mango - share to show appreciation, especially to those who give a lot freely. This goes for kumu and community volunteers too. 3. Finally, remember your fellow Kānaka when you see opportunities. Share opportunities with them and put in a good word. If we band together and direct our dollars towards the lāhui, we invest in ourselves and ean give our brothers and sisters a fighting ehanee at being able to live where they belong. ■ Kawehi Onekea is a resident of Kaimukī andfounder ofOnekea Bros. General Store. She aspires to help others live aloha 'āina daily through education and inspiration. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook at @onekeabros.