Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 8, 1 August 2021 — Mana i Mauli Ola Eeonomie Stability Focus [ARTICLE]

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Mana i Mauli Ola Eeonomie Stability Focus

Engaging in strategies to enhanee the eeonomie development and financial empowerment of the lāhui will ensure that Native Hawaiians progress toward a state of eeonomie stability. STRATEGIC OUTCOME: Strengthened Capability for 'Ohana to Meet Living Needs, including Housing; Strengthened Effective lmplementation of the HHCA STRATEGY 7: Advance policies, programs and practices that strengthen 'ohana abilities to pursue multiple pathways toward eeonomie stability. STRATEGICOUTCOMES: • 7.1. Increased number / percent of Native Hawaiian 'ohana who are able to provide high quality keiki and kūpuna care; • 7.2. Increase access to capital and credit for community strengthening Native Hawaiian businesses and individuals; • 7.3. Increase number of Native Hawaian 'ohana who are resource stable (financial, subsistence, other); and • 7.4. Increased Native Hawaiian employment rate. STRATEGY 8: Cultivate eeonomie development in and for Hawaiian communities. STRATEGICOUTCOMES: • 8.1. Increased number of successful, community strengthening Native Hawaiian-owned businesses; • 8.2. Establishment of new markets for Native Hawaiian products (eg. kalo, loko i'a grown fish, etc.) that ean provide Native Hawaiian producers a livable wage; and • 8.3. Established and operationalized lndigenous eeonomie system consistent with Native Hawaiian knowledge, culture, values, and practices.