Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 8, 1 August 2021 — Hilo Girl Wins National Title [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Hilo Girl Wins National Title

Ho'omaika'i to 11 -year-old Aspen Taylor Ke'ouli'imaikoloni Honohono of Hilo who won the title of "Miss Elementarv Americo 6th Grade 2021" at the Elementory America Pageont, 0 branch of the Miss High School Americo Pogeont Orgonizotion in Little Rock, Arkonsos, in lote June. Ke'auli'i is 0 Hawaiion languoge immersion student ot Ke Kulo '0 Nōwahiokoloni'ōpu'u Iki Lab Puhlie Chorter School in Kea'au. Sne captured the heorts of the judges in the interview portion of the competition when she spoke of her love for her culture, her home island, ond hula. Ke'ouli'i is the doughter of Roelyn loane ond Joseph Honohono, Jr. - Photo: Courtesy