Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 8, 1 August 2021 — OHA IN THE COMMUNITY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ln mid-July, a small delegation from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) traveled to the island of Moloka'i for OHA's annual Moloka'i lsland Community Meeting on July 14 and Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting on July 15. While on-island, they visited OHA grantee, Hōnoi Ā Ulu at Keawanui to leam about their limu project ond efforts to help homesteoders plont gardens ond heeome more sustoinoble. Trustees ond staff also poid ū visit to Kealopiko, an 'Ōiwi-owned clothina company whose weamhle ort designs celebrate and teach mo'omeheu Hawai'i. OHA wishes to mahalo the Kupa o Moloka'i for their warmth and hospij tolity, with special mahalo to Kahekili and HūIū Pū-KūIū, Kilia Purdy-Avelino, Wolter Ritte, Ane Bakutis, and the staff at Hōnai Ā Ulu and Kealopiko. - Photo: Joshua Koh Mi To leam more obout our Moloka'i site visits, go to: https://vimeo.eom/5/5989114