Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2021 — 100th Anniversary of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act Commemorated in D.C. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

100th Anniversary of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act Commemorated in D.C.

Message delivered by OHA Chair Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey at the HHCA Press Conference in Washington, D.C., on July p m. m m

Aloha mai kākou and mahalo Congressmen Kahele and Case, for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the OfSce of Hawaiian Affairs, whose mission is to "better the conditions" of Native Hawaiians. We are here today to recall, to remember, and to be inspired by the life and accomplishments of Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole, whose advocacy on behalf of Native Hawaiians led to the passage of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act 100 years ago. When the Kingdom of Hawai'i was illegally overthrown by American businessmen supported by the United States, Prince Kūhiō rallied to support the Kingdom. Later, when Hawaiians sought an increasing role in the non-Hawaiian government following the overthrow, Prince Kūhiō helped organize an opposition to support Hawaiian interests. Finally, when Hawaiians needed a strong voice in the halls of Congress where decisions affecting Hawaiians were being made, Prince Kūhiō became Hawai'is second delegate to the United States Congress and was successfully elected 10 times. Prince Kūhiō witnessed first-hand the separation of Hawaiians ffom their lands and from their self-determination. Despite not having a vote, he pushed Congress to create a program to empower Hawaiians to survive and flourish in a Hawai'i that was increasingly controlled by powerful non-Hawaiian interests.

Today, we celebrate his success in that push, whieh became law exactly 100 years ago. While Prince Kūhiō displayed his expert statesmanship in advocating for and passing this Act, we must also aeknowledge the strong civic engagement of Hawaiians at the turn of the 20th century. Indeed, Hawaiians were actively involved in debating issues and electing officials who supported Hawaiians at every level of government. Hawaiian political engagement is as important today as it was to Prince Kūhiō and the Hawaiians of his generation. Throughout our history the periods of strongest political engagement have nurtured the greatest self-determination for Hawaiians. As Hawaiian leaders today, we must carry on Prince Kūhiō's legacy and advance federal, state and loeal policies that serve the Native Hawiian eommunity. Hawaiian leaders must also eall on the United States to fulfill its trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians. I mahalo Congressman Kahele, Congressman Case, Senator Schatz, and Senator Hirono for your partnership with OHA and our beneficiaries to that end. In Prince Kūhiō's honor, let us commit to being more actively involved in our governance - as leaders, as community members, and as voters. Eia nō mākou, nā pulpula o Hawai'i, me ka ha'aha'a, me ka oia'i'o, a me ke aloha pau'ole. Aloha. Here we stand, the descendants of Hawai'i, with humility, truth and love unending. Aloha.

At the July 9 reception in Washington, D.C, commemorating the 100-vear anniversary of the HHCA. Pictured are OHA B0T Chair Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey (center front) and around her (L-R) are OHA Ka Pouhana/CEO Dr. Sylvia Hussey; Executive Director of the White House lnitiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific lslanders Krysta I Ka'ai; OHA D.C. Bureau Chief Keone Nakoa; and Asian American and Pacific lslander Senior White House Liaison Erika Moritsugu. - Photos: Courtesy

OHA Chair Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey (right) with U.S. Secretary of the lnterior Deb Haaland at the festivities in Wahington, D.C., celebrating the 100th anniversary of the HHCA. Haaland, a member of the Laguna Puehlo tribe, is the first Native Amehean cabinet member in U.S. history.