Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2021 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


• Be Notive Hawaiian residing in Hawai'i; • At least 18 years old; • Be in financial hardship; and • Have documents to prove past due rent, mortgage, utilities, or rental deposit REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Proof of Age and Hawai'i Residency • Copy of Picture ID Native Hawaiian Verification (One of the following) • Copy of Birth Certificate • OHA Hawaiian Registry Card • Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Leose • Kamehameha Schools Ho'oulu Registry Proof of Financial Hardship (One of the following) • Unemployment or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) approval letter • Letterfrom employerverifying you have been laid off or lost hours at work Housing (One of the following) • Complete, signed, dated rental lease • Mortgage statement Assistance Needed (One of the following) • Past due rent or eviction notice with amount owed • Past due utility or disconnection notice with amount owed • Bill from utility service (i.e., water delivery) • Mortgage statement with past due amount Learn more at www.oha.org/emergencyaid

SEEKING A ■ LAND PR0TECTI0N I ■ PR0JECT ASSOCIATE ■ The Trust for Public Land's Hawaiian lslands Field Office based in Honolulu is hiring a land protection Project Associate, an entry-level position. Project associates support the work of Project Managers in twe land protection program areas: [1] the Aleha Āina program, whieh conserves land important to Hawaiian communities and promotes Hawaiian land stewardship, and [2] the Sustainable Hawai'i program whieh protects lands that promote Hawai'i's self-sufficiency [food, forests, water]. The Trust for Puhlie Land's Hawai'i program has conserved ieonie Hawaiian landscapes throughout the islands in partnership with puhlie agencies and other non-profit organizations, including the Ka 'lwi Ceast Mauka Lands, Wae Kele 0 Puna, Kuamo'o, Hāwea Heiau, and Kānewai Spring. Join Hawai'i's close knit and high-performing team in conserving Hawai'i's 'āina. More information at https://www.tpl.org/about/jobs/hawaii-project-associate.