Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 6, 1 Iune 2021 — Join us this month for OHA's Mana i Mauli Ola Webinars! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Join us this month for OHA's Mana i Mauli Ola Webinars!
Native Hawaiian Plant Propagation June 5, 2021, 9-11 a.m. \ O'ahu
Presented by Pauiline Seto, Chelsey Jay, end Merieh Gaoiran of the Mōlomo Leorning Center
Step-by-step training to create a backyard garden system using a seed kit to address food security and resilience. Livestream on OHA's Facebook page or register at www.oha.org/imkl to participate via Zoom. Waiwai Futures: Eeonomie Self-Determination Series June 9, 2021, 5:30 p.m. to7p.m. \ Statewide Native Hawaiian businesspeople and entrepreneurs discuss eeonomie
self-determination. Livestream on OHA's Facebook page or register at www.oha.org/imkl to participate via Zoom. Kūkulu Kumuhana 'Ohana Night Part l June 9, 2021, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. \ Hawai'i Island
An interactive workshop (twopart series) to increase awareness of 'ohana mental heahh and wellbeing using Lili'uokalani Trust's Kūkulu Kumuhana Framework. Participants receive activity cards, workbook and a resource guide. Limit 50 participants. Pre-register by email kamailep@ oha.org or phone (808) 933-3106. SEE CALENDAR ON PAGE 25
Featurina Jessica Kaneakua, Dawn RegoYee, ana Kahele Nahale-a
CALENDAR Continued from page 22 Financial Literacy June 10, 2021 6 - 7:30p.m.\ Statewide Practical tips and techniques create a personal spending plan to stay in control of your finances. Laptop recommended for this workshop. Livestream on OHA's Facebook page or register at www.oha. org/imkl to participate via Zoom. Kids Cook! Eat More Plants June 18, 2021, 10:30 -11:30 a.m. | Moloka'i An introduction to healthy foods that keiki ean prepare themselves. To register go to www.oha.org/imkl to participate via Zoom. Kūkulu Kumuhana 'Ohana Night Part 2 June 23, 2021, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.\ Hawai'i Island An interactive workshop (two-part series) to increase awareness of 'ohana mental heahh and wellbeing using Lili'uokalani Trust's Kūkulu Kumuhana Framework. Participants receive activity cards, workbook and a resource guide.
Limit 50 participants. Pre-register by contacting our Hilo office by email kamailep@oha.org or phone (808) 933-3106. Financial Literacy June 24, 2021, 6 - 7:30 p.m.\ Statewide Learn how to make saving easy and create an emergency fund for your 'ohana. Livestream on OHA's Facebook page or register at www.oha.org/imkl to participate via Zoom. Rememhering My Kūpuna - Introduction to Genealogy June 25, 2021, 5 - 8 p.m. \ Statewide Breathing life into one's past by building a solid family history foundation, a sound genealogical framework and a strong 'ohana connection. Livestream on OHA's Facebook page or register at www. oha.org/imkl to participate via Zoom. Rememhering My Kūpuna - Introduction to Genealogy June 26, 2021, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Statewide Breathing life into one's past by building a solid family history foundation, a sound genealogical framework and a strong 'ohana connection. Livestream on OHA's Facebook page or register at www. oha.org/imkl to participate via Zoom.B