Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 6, 1 June 2021 — OHA IN THE COMMUNITY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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On May 4-5, a small contingent from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) wenl on a two-day huaka'i to the island of Kaua'i in advance of 0HA's Board of Trustees' (B0T) annual Kaua'i lsland Community Meeting on May 5 and lsland of Kaua'i Meeling on May 6. Ihey visited Alakoko Fishpond, the Hanapēpē salt ponds, the Ho'omana Thrift Store and Training Center, and Hui 0 Mana Ka Pu'uwai Canoe Club to leam more ahoul the good work these organizations are doing on their island. The leam from OHA included B0T Chair Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey (Maui), Kalei'ōina Lee (at-large), Kaleihikina Akaka (O'ahu), Luana Alapa (Moloka'i/Lōna'i) and Dan Ahuna (Kaua'i/Ni'ihau). Also in attendance was OHA CE0 Dr. Sylvia Hussey. (Above) At Alakoko Fishpond wilh memhers of Mōlama Hulē'ia. (Below) Wilh memhers of Hui 0 Mana Ka Pu'uwai Canoe Club in Kapa'a. - Photos: Joshua Koh & Jason Lees ■4 To leam more about the four Kaua'i site visits, go to: https://vimeo.com/54665/733