Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 6, 1 Iune 2021 — Use LT's Mālama Line to Access Services [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Use LT's Mālama Line to Access Services
By Lokelani Kalama s Have you ever wondered c what services Lili'uoka- \ lani Trust (LT) provides i and how to access them? t I The Mālama Line was established 1 to provide caregivers of Native Ha- < waiian children with a convenient 1 way to learn about LT eligibility and f statewide services. This is one way i that LT continues to mālama our ka- ( mali'i and 'ohana. ' I
The line is available everyday. Live hours are offered during the week (Tuesday - Thursday afternoons) and voicemails ean be left at any time. We are striving to respond to calls within one business day. In 1909, Queen Lili'uokalani established her trust to serve orphaned and destitute Native Hawaiian children. Today, LT is expanding its programs to also serve children from early
childhood (0 to 3 years old) and young adults (18 to 26 years old). As we continue to expand services across a continuum from inception to young adulthood, we offer programs rooted in Hawaiian culture and values through Social Services and Youth Development. Social Services offers trauma-in-formed social-emotional supports for individuals and families. Our program's aim is to strengthen relation-
ships and address social-emotional needs of children and their families. We work with families to identify their assets and needs, and create a family plan to achieve their goals. Services include addressing behavior, conflict, or grief or loss due to the death of a family member or the abof a parent. Youth Development cultivates opportunities for Native Hawaiian youth to develop and amplify their inherent strengths and potential as they explore different pathways and programs. Offerings vary by eommunity, may occur during school hours after school, and primarily serve in middle and high school. programs may have a specialized focus such as art, music, sports, entrepreneurship, STEM, leadership development, or post-high school planning.
If you are interested in our services, please eall the Mālama Line at (808) 466-8080. To learn more about LT, visit our website at onipaa.org and follow us on Instagram: LT and LT 'Ōpio. ■ Lokelani Kalama isfrom Hāna, Maui and is apractice development advisor at Lili'uokalani Trust.
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