Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 6, 1 Iune 2021 — A Vision of Sustainability from Land to Sea [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
A Vision of Sustainability from Land to Sea
Ahupua'a o Moloka'i^ Hānai A Ulu Native Crops Project
Haumōna from OLA Moloka'i join Halo Pa-Kalo (for left) around one of Hōnai Ā Ulu's limu nursery tanks. The educational component of the limu nursery project merges 'ike Hawai'i and Western science. - Photos: Courtesy of Hānai Ā Ulu
Water quality testing is part of the normol routine for OLA Moloka'i houmōna porticipoting in Hōnoi Ā Ulu's limu nursery project.
By Puanani Fernandez-Akamine In the late 1970s, Hala Pa-Kala often gathered limu with her father on the south shore of Moloka'i. A variety of limu - huluhulu waena, 'ele'ele, manauea - grew abundantly in the shallow waters near Pa-Kala's home in the Hawaiian Homestead community of Kamiloloa-One Ali'i. "My dad would say, 'we going mix fish - go get limu,"' recalled Pa-Kala. "He would just stand on the shoreline and kind of point me in right direction. And when I was where he wanted to me to be, he would tell me 'look down' and there it was! I'd take what we needed and bring it in. "I never thought that there would be a day when I would walk out there and find nothing but silt and gorilla ogo." The loss of native varieties of limu, overwhelmed by aggressive invasive species such as gorilla ogo, is not a problem unique to Moloka'i. However, the Hānai Ā Ulu Native Crops Project, a grassroots initiative by Ahupua'a o Moloka'i (AoM), seeks to address the problem of disappearing native limu - and mueh more. Formed in the early 1990s, AoM is a nonprofit that aims to unify Moloka'i's Hawaiian Homestead associations. The focus of its Hānai Ā Ulu project is to get as many Native Hawaiian homesteaders as possible to farm - both land and sea crops - and to provide a range of continued, direct, and sustained support to homesteaders participating in the project, based on their individual skill levels and interests. Pa-Kala, a cultural practitioner, is president of the Kamiloloa-One Ali'i Homestead Association and a pas-
sionate advocate for food security and sustainability. "Basically, we are trying to make our homesteaders a little more subsistent and sustainable and strengthen our community by producing foods and goods for ourselves." Within the Hānai A Ulu project, there are muhiple tracks, including education and training, seed saving, creating nurseries for land and sea plants, growing small plot gardens, and marketing for those who want to pursue a business. The project started about three years ago, initially with funds ffom a Department of Hawaiian Home Lands' Peer to Peer grant, and has continued with the help of a twoyear grant from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Hānai Ā Ulu Native Crops has already established seven gardens and a limu nursery. Participants are provided with everything they need to start a garden - ffom training and seeds to supplies and support. They ean choose from four different types of garden, depending on their location and interests. In addition to basic mea'ai gardens (kalo, 'uala, kō and other vegetables), participants ean cultivate lā'au lapa'au (medicinal) gardens and grow plants like olena, tī, popolo
and noni, or loea hana 'ike (crafters) gardens and grow things like hau, hala and flowering plants for lei. Homesteaders who reside on the seaside, like Pa-Kala, ean also choose to cultivate a shoreline protective garden with plants that help hold the soil and the sand such as pāu o Hi'iaka, hinahina, pōhuehue and naupaka. Establishing a limu nursery, however, has been one of the project's most interesting achievements. The goal is to grow native limu in shoreline tanks and then out-plant the limu back into the oeean. It is not a new idea. Limu nurseries been already been proven successful and there are others on the island - but this is the first one on Moloka'i with an educational component. To plan for Hānai Ā Ulu's inaugural limu nursery, Pa-Kala tapped experts like Limu Hui Coordinator Wally Ito of Kua'āina Ulu 'Auamo, Steve Chaikin of Moloka'i Sea Farms, Āina Momona's Kahekili Pa-Kala, and Kalaniua Ritte whose 'ohana has tended Keawanui loko i'a (fishpond) for more than two decades. She eventually decided to establish their first limu nursery at Keawanui. "I chose Keawanui because their fishpond actually has freshwater springs," explained Pa-Kala. "Fresh water is important for all limu, so accessibility of fresh water year-round was important. During the rainy season we see a lot of limu growth, but during the summertime, when the freshwater feed from the land dissipates, so does the limu." Some 45 people are are involved in the gardening program representing about 15 families, while more than 60 are involved in the limu nursery program due, in part, to an innovative collaboration with OLA ('Ohana Learning Allianee) Moloka'i co-founder Kilia Purdy-Avelino. Ten years ago Purdy-Avelino, a resident of Ho'olehua
At the limu nursery, haumāna are learning about things like salinity, turbidity, and water quality.
Limu 'ele'ele is being raised at Hānai Ā Ulu's first limu nursery. The nursery, located at Keawanui, has three 350-gallon tanks with solar-powered pumps.
In addition to the limu nursery, Hānai Ā Ulu has established seven gardens so far. At this mauka garden in Kalama'ula, 'ohana are growing kalo, 'ōlena, and 'uala.
Hawaiian Homestead, decided to leave the public school system where she worked as a Hawaiian language immersion teacher to homeschool her own keiki. "I realized I was spending too mueh time in school - not just me, but even my kids," said Purdy-Avelino. "There wasn't enough time for their extra-curricular activities and the chores and homestead kuleana that we were raised with and that grounded us and taught us values. I wanted that for my kids too. That s really what drove my husband and I to homeschool." OLA Moloka'i, an educational eo-op, was formed when Purdy-Avelino and other homeschooling parents banded together to share kuleana for teaching their keiki. OLA leverages the 'ike of the parents involved, as well as the 'ike of experts in various fields within their community. As lead volunteer coordinator, Purdy-Avelino actively seeks opportunities to enrich the children's educations through existing programs - so involving OLA haumāna in the limu nursery project, whieh merges 'ike Hawai'i with Western science, made perfect sense. "We are using this project as a catalyst to teach the kids science through their own culture," explained Purdy-Aveli-no. "Limu is what our fish eat - and some fish only eat certain kids of limu. So if there isn't any of that limu, you're not going to have those fish. Hala and I want to help our kids make those observations and have those realizations. It's not just about growing limu - it's also about how limu affects the whole." Adds Pa-Kala, "We are trying to educate our youth about what limu is - the importance of it - not just as a food source, not just as a medicine, not just as a cultural practice. The majority of the earth's surface is covered by water and 90% of the oxygen we breathe is produced by the algae that lives in our oceans. Limu is algae." The limu nursery at Keawanui currently consists of three 350-gallon tanks that utilize solar-powered pumps. The tanks are used to propagate and grow the limu - currently, limu 'ele'ele. "We are attempting to mimie the natural environment within our tanks," said Pa-Kala. "We have the kids learning to do water quality testing using both manual and digital devices provided by The Moloka'i Digital Bus. They are learning about things like salinity and turbidity and both the Hawaiian and Latin names of the limu. "And most importantly, we are teaching them about kilo (observation). Science revolves around observation - watching for changes and then trying to figure out what caused those changes to occur." "We are intentional with our programs," said Purdy-Aveli-no. "We ean start to connect the dots for them between eultural knowledge and science. Hala and I are not scientists, but we know people who are, and who ean share their resources." In addition to monitoring, tending, and observing the growth of the limu in the nursery, the haumāna are actively engaged in efforts to remove the invasive gorilla ogo from Moloka'i's southern shoreline. The gorilla ogo is then recycled as a natural fertilizer for the project's native crop gardens. The project is currently in the process of setting up a second limu nursery - this one to cultivate limu manauea (ogo). They just need to identify the best location for the nursery - ideally, a location where manauea was onee plentiful. "Our thought was to set up several nurseries along the
coast and grow limu that is, or was, present in those particular areas," Pa-Kala explained. "I wouldn't want to take limu ffom a nursery located miles away and put it in the oeean in ffont of where I live because the environment is very different." Pa-Kala notes that many varieties of limu are diminishing in Moloka'i's coastal areas, so the more nurseries they ean establish, the better it will ultimately be for their shoreline. The plan is to not just clear out as mueh invasive limu as possible, but to out-plant the native limu they grow in the nursery into habitats where they will naturally thrive and become reestablished. "We will probably never get rid of all the invasives, but hopefully we ean manage it. It will take a community effort, but we want to be able to show people that it ean be done, and then take that example, reproduce it, and have a sustainable system across our southern shoreline. When we ean manage those invasives and find places to out-plant our natives, we ean also bring back our native fish," said Pa-Kala. Both Pa-Kala and Purdy-Avelino agree that education and food security are the project's most important objectives, particularly in light of food shortages brought on by the pandemic. Producing food to earn an ineome is a good thing, but it's a longer-term goal. "If we ean get to the point where we ean sustain ourselves and our communities, and get our environment thriving again with limu, then great. But that's really not our first thought. First and foremost its education and food security - and embedded in everything is the culture," reflected Purdy-Avelino. "Ihe ability to produce food and take care of your eommunity - that is wealth," noted Pa-Kala. "If all else fails, you will still be able to eat, and you'll be able to live. You ean have all the money in the world, but if the system shuts down again, what ean you do with that money?" Driven by their long-term vision of sustainability for Moloka'i, they are applying for additional grants to continue their work, primarily to purchase the supplies they need to eontinue establishing land gardens and limu nurseries, as well as things like digital readers and water testing kits for the haumāna. They are also partnering with Moloka'i GO Limu Hui to get more people involved in the removal of invasive limu species. "We plan to keep moving forward - with or without money we're going to do it - because it's important for the future of our island," said Pa-Kala. E ola Moloka'i! ■
Removing mangrove at Keawanui fishpond. Mangrove was brought to Moloka'i in 1902 by sugar planters to curb mauka runoff due to their cultivation and ranching activities. Like other invasive species, mangrove has proliferated, damaging fishponds and displacing native birds who nest in wetlands.
i \w Kilia Purdy-Avelino
-3At Hala Pa-Kala