Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2021 — Direction: Educatinal Pathways [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Direction: Educatinal Pathways
Directional Outcome: STRENGTHENED AND INTEGRATED COMMUNITY, CULTURE-BASED LEARNING SYSTEMS STRATEGY 1: SuPPort d eveloPment and use of educational resources for a 1 1 Hawaiian lifelong learners in schools, communities and 'ohana. STRATEGIC OUTCOMES: 1.1. Increase number or Percent of Native Hawaiian students who enter educational systems ready to leam; 1.2. Increase number or Percent of Native Hawaiian students graduating high school who are college, career, and community ready; and 1.3. Increase number of Native Hawaiians engaged in traditional learning systems (e.g., hale, hālau, mua, hale Pe'a) that re-establish/maintain strong cultural foundations and identity. STRATEGY 2: SuPPort education through Hawaiian language medium and focused Charter Schools. STRATEGIC OUTCOMES: 2.1. Adequately resource Hawaiian Focused Charter Schools and Hawaiian-medium schools, including funding of transPortation, sPecial education, facilities, meals, and availability of qualified teachers; 2.2. Increase availability of Hawaiian Focused Charter Schools and Hawaiian-medium schools; and 2.3. Establish a Native Hawanan Charter School and Hawananmedium learning system.