Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 4, 1 April 2021 — Page 25 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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In an effort to create a plaee for our lāhui to share their mana'o on issues affecting our pae 'āina and Kānaka Maoli, Ka Wai Ola offers two ways to do that: atetterfrike,e0(itor or an "Op£d" ( opinum pieee) Here are the guidelines: • Letters anel OpEds must be submitted by the 15th of the month (for publication in the following month's issue). Email ietters and OpEds to kwo@oha.org. • Letters must be 200 words or iess; OpEds must be 500 words or iess. • Please emaii your submission as a Word document or include it in the body of your emaii using standard upper/lower case formatting. • Letters and OpEds shouid be submitted with the writer's name, phone number and emaii. • Ka Wai Ola will not print letters or OpEds that attack, siander, defame or demean an individuai or organization. • Ka Wai Ola reserves the right to edit ietters and OpEds. • Ka Wai Ola will not print letters or OpEds that do not meet these criteria.