Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 4, 1 April 2021 — Aloha 'Āina Kākou! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Aloha 'Āina Kākou!


|t's been a full year of living in this global pandemic. As I reflect upon all that has happened, I recognize a eommon denominator in all that has carried us through. Though our lāhui has faced many new challenges along with the rest of the world, we have surely met them with great resiliency and have taken the time, collectively, to stay grounded in what matters so mueh to us. . . 'āina. When all we have to rely on is

ourselves, 'āina always has been, and always will be, our saving grace and balance. 'Ōlelo no'eau 466 speaks to this and tells us, Hānau ka 'āina, hānau ke ali'i, hānau ke kanaka. Bom was the land, born were the chiefs, born were the eommon people. Our kūpuna recognized that our Kānaka and 'āina belong together. The impacts of COVID-19 over this last year have magnified the importance of our traditions and ways oflife, our communities, our economics, and government systems that we live in today, echoing the words of many 'ōlelo no'eau whieh speak to our relationship to 'āina and this coexistence. We've seen individuals and entire eommunities step up and 'auamo the kuleana to care for and help eaeh other. With all the barriers of "social distancing" and "limited contact," we are sharing information and engaging whenever and however we ean to support eaeh other on many levels. I've observed and worked alongside more hui coming together and organizing. I've witnessed and heard so many heartwarming stories during this time. More importantly, we are finding ways to feed eaeh other. With food, with knowledge, with skills, through education and with 'āina at the core.

We have up-and-coming leaders using their platforms for pono and sharing our stories in great capacities in communities, on the continent, and globally. Congressman Kai Kahele recently spoke and brought further attention to 'ōlelo Hawai'i, openly sharing his kuleana with the many hats he wears daily, never straying far from his roots and his aloha to his 'āina... our 'āina. What a great example and real testament of a modern, engaged, and progressive Kanaka.

Here at home on Kaua'i, I am so blessed to see this 'āina aloha up close and personal, working and living alongside our fearless island people. Within this aloha for 'āina also eome the tasks to maintain, operate, and protect our 'āina. Living wahi pana like our Hanapēpē Salt Ponds, Wai'oli, Hulē'ia, Kipu Kai, Hā'ena, and many more are in need of the same fierce aloha we put into our people and practices. In other parts of the pae 'āina it is the same. In county and state arenas, plans for Wahiawā and Kūkaniloko are a main focus, along with Kaka'ako Makai sparking big eonversation, the stoicism of Waimea Valley operations during this time, the management of Maunakea, all our Hawaiian Homelands, Public Land Trust lands, the list goes on. The value of our 'āina includes, but goes far beyond, monetary means - it is in who we are as Kānaka. I hope to see an increase in efforts to further mālama our 'āina. Let's keep our conversations going, raise our community engagement, and maintain our relationships on all levels. What's good for 'āina is good for kānaka, and what's good for kānaka is good for everyone. 'Āina is the reason. Mālamapono! ■

Dan Ahuna TrustEe, Kaua'i and Ni'ihau