Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2021 — Vendors Sought os CNHA Brings its Virtuol Morketploce to Amozon [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Vendors Sought os CNHA Brings its Virtuol Morketploce to Amozon
The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement's (CNHA) successful online marketplace, Pop-Up Mākeke, created to support small businesses during the pandemic, is now accepting vendor applieations for its highly anticipated third season that will include a partnership with Amazon and Shopify. Vendor selections begin this month. "Our eeonomie recovery is underway, but it is a long, tenuous process. We are excited to be able to continue Pop-Up Mākeke as a means to help Hawai'i's stmggling small businesses continue to find success," said CNHA President & CEO Kūhio Lewis. "These changes are designed to empower vendors and deliver a better customer experience." CNHA created the mākeke in April 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced the eaneellahon of the Merrie Monarch Festival, whieh many loeal vendors rely upon for financial stability throughout the year. In its first two mns, Pop-Up Mākeke injected over $2 million into Hawai'i's economy, selling more than 100,000 products from hundreds of loeal small and micro businesses. Its customer base now spans the globe. CNHA is looking for vendors whose products represent Hawai'i's diversity and align with the Pop-Up Mākeke mission and brand. Vendors wishing to apply ean begin the process online at: https:// popupmakeke.com/pages/vendorapplieaīion. ADC Accepting Ag and Pastureland Applications The State of Hawai'i Agribusiness Development Corporation (ADC) is accepting applications from interested farmers and cattle ranchers who are seeking land on O'ahu for agricultural production and pastural use. The application deadline is April 9. Multi-year licenses to farm these lands or to occupy for pastural use will be issued based on merit. Cattle
ranchers may apply for the available parcels; however, preference will be given to crop farmers. Farmers and ranchers must have a minimum five years of experienee, or be current owner-operators of an established farm or ranching operation. Applicants already trained and certified in food safety and Good Agricultural Practices are preferred. Interested persons should go the ADC website at http://hdoa.hawaii. gov/adc/land-application/ to obtain an application form, or they ean contact the ADC office at (808) 586-0186. The applieahon deadline is 2:00 pm, Friday, April 9, 2021. GoFarm Hawai'i Recruiting on Kaua'i
GoFarm Hawai'i is currently recruiting for a new Kaua'i cohort. Kaua'i residents interested in improving their farming production and agribusiness skills are encouraged to apply. The first step is to learn more about the program by attending the AgCurious online webinar on April 6 at 6:00 p.m. The free webinar is a prerequisite for applying to the cohort. Register at https:// us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/ WN_gJf7-gUUTheTto3EFTJFGA The farmer training program begins with "AgXposure" (May 26 - June 24, 2021). Participants will learn from loeal farms and get exposure to farm work Thursday evenings (online) and Saturdays (in person). It will be followed by "AgXcel" (July 8 - December 23) where participants will learn farm production and business skills from GoFarms's coaching team during online Thursday evening classes and Saturday
field classes. Participants will be able to plant, manage and market their own 7-week CSA vegetable production at GoFarm's site in Līhu'e. For more information go to: https://gofarmhawaii.org/agcuri-ous-faqs/ Apply Now for Royal 0rder of Kamehameha Nō Koa Ali'i Scholarship The Roy al Order of Kamehameha I Hawai'i Chapter 1 is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 Nā Koa Ali'i Scholarship. This is a merit-based scholarship for fulltime students of Hawaiian ancestry pursuing a degree at an accredited vocational school, or at a two- or four-year college/university. Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded, with preference given to Royal Order of Kamehameha I members and their immediate families. Scholarship applications are available online at https://www. kamehameha.org/scholarship/ and a personal essay is required. The applieahon deadline is 1 1 :59 p.m. on June 1, 2021. Awardees will be notified by the end of June. For more information contact Bronson Silva at kuauhaul@gmail.com. Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu Scholarship Applications Due April 30 Visit www.hcchonolulu.org for information on post-high scholarships available to haumāna 'Ōiwi Hawai'i for 2021-22. Please review requirements, submit documents on time, and thoughtfully complete the required essays. The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu (HCCH) was founded by Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole in 1918. More than a century later, HCCH's Scholarship Fund eontinues to support the founding objectives of Prince Kalaniana'ole: to restore the social and eeonomie status of Hawaiians and to increase pride in Hawaiian heritage and 'Ōiwi identity. 2021 marks the 150th anniversary
of the birth of Prince Kalaniana'ole, and the 100th anniversary of the Hawaiian Homes Commision Act of 1921, a noble legacy left to us by our ali'i. Scholarship awards are eompetitive and based on application excellence, timeliness and attention to requirements outlined in the online application. April 30, 2021, is the due date for application submission. 'Eleu mai 'oukou! Mortgage Loan Deferral Extended for DHHL Borrowers The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands' (DHHL) postponement of mortgage loan payments for DHHL direct loans and loans assigned to the department has been extended for an additional three-month period, through June 30, 2021. This is the fourth such extension approved by the Hawaiian Homes Commission since March 2020. The deferment is an auto-enrolled postponement. If a borrower decides to continue making payments during the deferral period, DHHL will process the payment as in the normal course of business. As with the inihal and subsequent deferment, interest will continue to accrue during the postponement period, however, no late fees will be added. All DHHL borrowers will receive notice of the extension on their April 2021 mortgage loan statement. For information about DHHL loan deferrals, eall (808) 620-9500. If you have a loan with an outside lender and are facing financial hardship due to COVID-19, contact your provider as soon as possible HTA Publishes Action Plan for Maui Nui The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) has published the 2021-2023 Maui Nui Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP) as part of its strategic vision and continuing efforts to manage tourism in a responsible and regenerative
manner. The plan was developed by the residents of Maui, Moloka'i and Lāna'i, and in partnership with the County of Maui and Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau (MVCB). The DMAP is a guide to rebuild, redefine and reset the direction of tourism on the three islands that make up Maui Nui. "All credit goes to the people of Lāna'i, Moloka'i and Maui who committed themselves to the DMAP process and were willing to face tough issues, embrace diverse viewpoints, explore new ideas and identify actionable priorities. The DMAP process provides a collaborative framework within whieh participants are inspired to mālama the places and traditions they cherish most," said John De Fries, HTA's president and CEO. The community-based plan focuses on key actions deemed necessary over a three-year period. The foundation of the Maui DMAP is based on HTA's 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. The actions are based on the four interacting pillars of HTA' s Strategic Plan - Natural Resources, Hawaiian Culture, Community, and Brand Marketing, and were developed by Maui, Moloka'i, and Lāna'i steering committees, comprised of residents representing their own communities, as well as the visitor industry, different business sectors, and nonprofit organizations. Representatives from the County of Maui, HTA, and MVCB also provided input. To view the plan go to: https:// w w w . ha waiitouri smau thority . org/ media/6860/hta-maui-action-plan. pdf 2018 Kīlauea Eruption Fissure Named The Hawai'i Board on Geographic Names (HBGN) has approved an official title for Fissure 8, whieh appeared in the Puna District of Hawai'i Island during the 2018 Kīlauea eruption. Ahu'ailā'au, whieh refers to the altar of the volcano deity 'Ailā'au, was selected from dozens of eom-munity-submitted proposals. SEE NEWS BRIEFS ON PAGE 26
Miles Dawson, a GoFarm Hawai'i graduale, harvests lelluee at the Waimōnalo Research Station site. - Photo: GoFarm Hawai'i
NEWS BRIEFS Continued from page 21
Hawai'i County Council Resolution 640-18 requested that HBGN consult with the communities impacted by the eruption to ensure that traditional, eultural, and family ties were considered in order to establish appropriate names for the Fissure 8 vent and any other features of the 2018 eruption. Mayor Mitch Roth said, "We are excited to have a name that provides a sense of plaee, history, and cultural identity to the fissure that took with it so many memories. Ahu'ailā'au is an embodiment of how Hawaiians have explained the natural phenomenon for generations, and it is integral to our understanding of this plaee." HBGN's membership includes OHA, DHHL, BLNR and others. The Board is responsible for designating the official names and spellings of geographic features in Hawai'i. In its deliberations, HBGN, solicits and eonsiders the advice and recommendations of the appropriate County government officials and, as appropriate, other knowledgeable persons. Actions of Aloho Donotes $10,000 to Bishop Museum Actions of Aloha, a charitable business founded in March 2020, recently donated $10,000 to Bishop Museum after partnering with them in November 2020 to create a deck of cards featuring 53 'ōlelo no'eau. "'Ōlelo no'eau are timeless. They allow us to connect with the way our ancestors thought and viewed the world," said Actions of Aloha ambassador Kaiani Kī'aha. "We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with Bishop Museum to create such a valuable resource, and are so pleased to see the community join us in supporting one of Hawai'i's treasures with these cards." " 'Ōlelo No 'eau: Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetrical Sayings is a perennial best-seller for Bishop Museum Press," said Bishop Museum Press operations manager Teora Morris. "It is inspiring to see the 'ōlelo no'eau eome to life through a new medium and reach new generations and audiences." This is Actions of Aloha's third $10,000 donation to a Hawai'i non-
profit. Previous recipients of Actions of Aloha cards and donations were Waimea Valley and The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee. Actions of Aloha recently announced another partnership with E Ho'opili Mai, a successful social media iniīiative by Kumu Kahanuola Solatorio, to celebrate 'ōlelo Hawai'i. The new deck of 52 cards features everyday conversational phrases in Hawaiian and English. A portion of the profits from these cards will be donated to 'Aha Pūnana Leo. Community Voices Coll for Bold Policy Leodership The 'Āina Aloha Eeonomie Futures (AAEF) initiative is launching a policy playbook, Growing a Stronger Hawai 'i, that outlines key approaches to transforming Hawai'i's economy. The playbook makes 26 specific proposals whieh collectively establish a framework for a resilient and diverse economy. The policy proposals are grounded in shared values and prioritize the wellbeing of eommunities and our natural environment in a post-pandemic future. AAEF co-author, Dr. Noe Noe Wong-Wilson said, "When the pandemic hit, we quickly realized that our grassroots communities were not represented in discussions of eeonomie recovery. We saw that the pre-pan-demic economy was not working for a large portion of our community. And we knew it was urgent to amplify the voices of the many individuals and organizations that could bring invaluable expertise to these discussions." The playbook was developed through a series of engagements that involved over 2,750 individuals, organizations and businessess and produced over 180 specific proposals. "At the midpoint of the legislative session, we are very concerned that decision-makers are going to revert to what they know - the pre-pandemic status quo - and that is a huge problem. The status quo has failed to provide social and environmental justice and equity in our community. It's time for our policymakers to make these changes now," said Wong-Wilson. Visit https://www.ainaalohafutures. eom/ to review the playbook and signon to the effort.
Two 0HA Mūlama Loan Commercials Air During Grammys Two commercials featuring OHA Mālama Loan recipients aired on KGMB during the 63rd Grammy Awards on March 14. The 30-second spots featured Hawaiian businesses Fitted Hawai'i and Native Intelligence. Fitted Hawai'i produces t-shirts, accessories and outerwear, but is best known for their custom New Era caps. Founded by Rene Matthyssen and Keola Naka'ahiki, Fitted Hawai'i does a brisk online business and also has a storefront in downtown Honolulu. Owned by Kumu Kapono'ai Molitau and his wife, Jenny, Native Intelligence's elegant retail storefront in Wailuku, Maui, features high-end Hawaiian and Polynesian arts and crafts, books, music, apparel, featherwork, jewelry and hula supplies. If you missed the Grammys, no worries - you ean watch the commercials on OHA's Vimeo ehannel. Fitted Hawai'i https://vimeo. eom/282064471 Native Intelligence: https://vimeo. eom/392295685 Anguay Named D0E Principal of the Year
Waimea High School Principal Mahina Anguay was recently named the 2020 Hawai'i Association of Secondary School Administrators Hawai'i State Principal of the Year.
The award is part of the Hawai'i State Legislature's annual celebration of Education Week every March to honor public school students, educators, and staff who have been recognized for their contributions to excellence in education. Education Week honorees have also previously received state or nahonal recognition for their exemplary achievements and commitment to their schools and broader community. Anguay, a veteran educator, has been principal at Waimea High School on Kaua'i for the past seven years. ■
Mahina Anguay