Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2021 — CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN PROGRAMMATIC OUTCOMES [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Integrated Programming ensures that the various activities planned for the land, from restoration of the land, to cultural activities, to agricultural initiatives to general management and access will work seamlessly together, fortifying the connection between our people and this plaee. The Education Continuum promotes generationally integrated learning to provide our current and future generations access to the lessons learned by our kūpuna. This concept will be perptuated through education and engagement programs that support a traditional model of reciprocal learning. Hub & Spoke refers to the vision for Kūkaniloko to become a "hub" to connect other similar efforts on O'ahu and across the pae 'āina. It will bridge movements and leverage resources and iniatives so that people will gain knowledge at Kūkaniloko and take that 'ike back to their moku, ahupua'a and 'ili. The Vegetation Continuum incorporates the fu.ll spectrum ofvegetation planning strategies, from native forests to high-tech agriculture. By creating a diverse ecosystem, native trees will help to restore the watershed, whieh will feed the understory and, ultimately, feed the lāhui.