Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 4, 1 April 2021 — NHPI vaccination stats: just 8.8% [ARTICLE]

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NHPI vaccination stats: just 8.8%

Since mid-December, when Howai'i storted implementing its vaccinotion program, only 8.8% of Native Hawoiians and Pacific lslanders (NHPI) hove received at least one dose despite the foct thot they account for 41% of COVID-19 cases in the stote. Thot was a major finding of a report released on March 16 by the Hawai'i Stote Deportment of Health (DOH) ond its acodemic and community portners, including the Notive Hawaiian and Pacific lslander COVID-19 Response, Recovery and Resilience Team, of whieh OHA is a member. The seemingly low NHPI percentage should be taken in context, however. For example, following federal guidelines, health-care workers in Hawai'i were the first to get vaccinoted, but NHPI representotion in thot industry is relatively low. Next, seniors aged 75 years and older were allowed to be vaccinoted, butNHPI life expectancy falls below other racial groups in the stote. That also limited NHPI numbers for this vaccine prioritizotion category. Other reasons forthe disparity include language barriers, laek of computer expertise and transportotion issues (e.g., people can't get to a vaccination site because it's not on a bus line, they don't drive, they don't have a car, or they don't know anyone who ean take them). The DOH is considering ways to address these challenges, ond education is key. Notive Hawaiian physicians, cultural practitioners and other eommunity leaders will discuss the importonce of getting vaccinoted in upcoming issues of Ka Wai Ola.