Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 1, 1 January 2021 — COVID-19 Changed the Way We Think [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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COVID-19 Changed the Way We Think


By Teron Kailimana Paeheeo, Grade 6 My story of the experiences in my life that changed my thinking about 'ohana, kula and aloha 'āina since the COVID19 pandemic started last March seems simple. The impacts on my 'ohana have ranged from little to none, all the way to major and life changing. The changes for my education, made by our po'o and kumu, ensure that the kula provides educational opportunities in English and 'ōlelo Kanaka. Aloha 'Āina has turned from a few who know, into an idea that many seek to define. COVID-19 is changing the way we think about our 'ohana, no'eau and 'āina. My 'ohana is a big thing that includes kūpuna, mākua, hoahānau and hoa aloha. For our kūpuna, life was filled with freedom to travel, visit, tell mo'olelo, and share no'eau while helping to strengthen our 'ohana, but now is filled with isolation, difficulty with securing food and sometimes fear, as COVID-19 ean hurt them the most. For our mākua, the island economy has changed the number and types of jobs. My mom, working for a car rental company, became unemployed; my dad, who had a good paying job, is now serving the National Guard protecting us all from COVID-19 by enforcing the new rules.

For my hoahānau and hoa aloha, we could play and be friendly but now must wear masks and practice social distancing. COVID-19 has changed us all. When COVID-19 caused the kula to stop face-to-face teaching, our po'o and kumu reacted quickly to make sure we could still have the opportunity to be educated. These school leaders eontinued our learning opportunity that finished off last year by providing core learning packets weekly with timely corrections for our submitted work. We were missing our eonneehon to the physical kula and 'ōlelo Kanaka. So they figured out how to safely open our school for face-to-face learning by helping us to be aware of COVID- 19, making sure that we follow safety rules, and having daily temperature checks with questions that help us decide if we have been exposed to COVID-19. All of these checks have allowed us to form "'ohana bubbles" and a somewhat nonnal return to school. I was so surprised when the staff at the school stopped by with fruits and vegetables every week from May to September. I got to help with the distribution of the food (a form of aloha 'āina) when we eame back to school. It was hard work even when we got to help the po'o and nā kumu with the food. These gifts were aloha 'āina of many on Kaua'i who helped many of us get through the rough times. I know if the COVID-19 pandemic continues, that Kaua'i will help all of us through aloha 'āina. As for my 'ohana, we are closer. As for my kula, they provide me with education full of aloha. As for our 'āina, we need to protect, nurture and use it with aloha that feeds us as a people. Until COVID-19 passes, be safe. ■ Teron Kailimana Paeheeo is a sixth-grade student at Kula Aupuni Ni 'ihau A Kahelelani Aloha PCS on Kaua 'i.