Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2021 — Mortgage Loan Deferral Extended for DHHL Borrowers [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Mortgage Loan Deferral Extended for DHHL Borrowers
lf you hove a loan with an outside lender and are facing financial hardship due to C0VID-19, DHHL encourages you to contact your provider as soon as possible. - Photo: Courtesy of DHHL The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) has extended the postponement of mortgage loan payments for all DHHL direct loans and loans assigned to the department for an additional three-month period through March 31, 2021. In September, the Hawaiian Homes Commission (HCC) extended the iniīial continuance of mortgage loan postponement and delegated authority to HHC Chair William J. Ailā, Jr., to extend postponement beyond the initial three months. As of Nov. 19, 2020, DHHL Fiscal Division analysis showed that approximately 84.8% of the loans reassigned by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development/Federal Housing Administration postponed one or more payments since the initial DHHL-offered deferral in March 2020. Along with that, 55.6% of DHHL direct loan borrowers delayed one or more of their payments. The deferment is an auto-enrolled postponement. If a borrower decides to continue making payments during the deferral period, DHHL will process the payment as usual. As with the initial and subsequent deferment, interest will continue to accrae during the postponement period. However, no late fees will be added. All DHHL borrowers received notice of the extension on their Jan-
uary 2021 mortgage loan statement. For information about DHHL loan deferrals, eall (808) 620-9500. Park Announces Puhlie Scoping Period
The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public feedback on a proposed rehabilitation and upgrade to the existing electrieal system at Kalaupapa Nahonal Historical Park on the island of Moloka'i. The park is initiating a 45-day public scoping period in eomplianee with the Nahonal Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Nahonal Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). As part of the comment period, NPS is soliciting input on two proposed alternatives. On Dec. 17, 2020, NPS hosted a virtual public scoping meeting via Zoom. Those who missed the meeting, but are interested in sharing their mana'o, may do so through Jan. 29, 202 1 . There are a variety of way s to provide feedback: • On the web (preferred method) at https://parkplanning.nps.gov/ KALA • By email at KALA_consultation@nps.gov • By mail: Rehabilitate and Upgrade the Existing Electrical System EA Superintendent Erika Stein Espaniola P.O. Box 2222 Kalaupapa, HI 96742 For additional information on the project background and pro-
posed alternatives, visit https:// parkplanning.nps.gov/KALA. Court Rules Aquarium Collection Without Review lllegal In December, Hawai'i's environmental court ruled that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) violated the law by allowing the aquarium trade to continue extracting hundreds of thousands of marine animals from Hawai'i's reefs without first reviewing the environmental and cultural impacts. The ruling shuts a loophole DLNR created after the landmark 2017 decision by the Hawai'i Supreme Court mandated public disclosure and analysis of the aquarium pet trade's effects in Hawai'i. Represented by Earthjustice, Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners, For the Fishes, and the Center for Biological Diversity, filed a lawsuit last year to enforce the court's prior raling and ensure eomplianee with the environmental review process required under the Hawai'i Environmental Policy Act. The animals targeted by the aquarium trade are primarily herbivorous reef-dwellers that serve unique functions in the coral reef ecosystem, such as helping to eontrol algae growth. Studies have shown that reducing reef fish and shellfish diversity affects a reef s ability to respond to stresses or disturbances. Despite the 2017 decision, DLNR allowed the industry to sidestep the court ralings, resulting in the extraction of more than a half million marine animals from Hawai'i reefs over the past three years. DLNR claimed that the 2017 court decision applied only to the use of so-called "fine-meshed" nets, then proceeded to give the aquarium industry free rein to continue taking marine life using any other type of equipment. The court's raling rejected that distinction and made clear that Hawai'i's environmental impact statement laws apply to all aquarium eollee-
tion, regardless of the extraction equipment utilized. Ka'iwakiloumoku Pacific lndigenous lnstitute Unveils New īalk Show Following the launeh of its new website resource kaiwakiloumoku. ksbe.edu in September 2000, Kamehameha Schools' Ka'iwaklloumoku Pacific Indigenous Institute unveiled Pacific Conversations, a monthly video series and talk show hosted on the website that features diverse contemporary voices from Hawai'i and the Pacific. The November 25 episode of Pacific Conversations gathered the 1985 crew of the Hōkūle'a for a "Hawaiian Tribe Reunion." The episode, entitled Ngāti Ruawāhia: Hawaiian Tribe ofTe Tai Tokerau, Aotearoa Celebrates 35 Years, features members of the crew who sailed in 1985 from Rarotonga (Cook Islands) to Aotearoa (New Zealand). Nainoa Thompson (navigator), Shorty Bertelmann (captain), Brace Blankenfeld, Kālepa Baybayan, Billy Richards, Harry Ho, and Māori crew member Stanley Conrad (Te Aupōuri), share inspiring stories about the epie voyage and historic landfall that ignited the contemporary Māori waka (eanoe) movement, and gave birth to the Hawaiian tribe, Ngāti Ruawāhia, 6th Tribe of Te Tai Tokerau. Ngāti Ruawāhia Part Two aired on December 2 and featured the late Sir Hector Hekenukumai Busby - Hawai'i's Legacy in Aotearoa. The program explored the life and work of Busby, a beloved Māori elder. Inspired by Hōkūle'a's arrival in Waitangi, Busby, a mentor to Thompson, spent his life building connections in the Pacific and waka, revitalizing Māori wayfinding in the process. "It is such an honor to be part of these historic discussions," said Lāiana Kanoa-Wong, a KS cultural specialist and co-host of "Pacific Conversations." "It's the impact of these discussions and others like it that introduce voices of the past and present that are helping to shape our future."
DTL's Actions of Aloha Cards Raise $10,000 for 'lolani Palaee
Kim-Hee Wong (left) of DTL presents a $10,000 donation raised through the Actions of Aloha cars to Paula Akana, Executive Director of The Friends of 'lolani Palaee. - Photo: Courtesy of DĪL Last year, DTL (a Hawaiian strategy studio that helps businesses navigate change) launched an Actions of Aloha initiative as a reminder that aloha knows no bounds. What began as an idea on social media in response to COVID-19, evolved into a deck of cards with 50 different acts of compassion and kindness to show aloha to oneself, one's family, or one's community. Since the release of the inaugural Actions of Aloha cards, DTL eommitted to donating 100% of the profits generated from the sale of the cards to The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee. In less than four months, Actions of Aloha was able to donate $10,000 to help support Hawai'i's royal residence. "We are incredibly humbled and amazed by the generosity of Actions of Aloha and the eommunity to support our mission to protect, preserve, and perpetuate an important pieee of Hawai'i's history," said Paula Akana, executive director of The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee. "We want to mahalo eaeh person who purchased this unique set of cards. They embody the aloha spirit that our monarchs demonstrated as they led their kingdom SEE NEWS BRIEFS ON PAGE 22
NEWS BRIEFS Continued from page 21 and their people." Actions of Aloha recently pailnered with Bishop Museum and Waimea Valley to create new decks of cards to benefit those organizations. To purchase a deck of cards visit www.actionsofaloha.com. īiana Kealoha of Maui Named Miss HawaiM for America On December 11, Miss Maui Tiana Kealoha, 28, was named Miss Hawai'i for America at Ward Stage in Honolulu. Kealoha, who studied kinesiology at Golden West College, is currently a model and a member of the Hawai'i Army National Guard. She will now advance to the Miss For America pageant, whieh is part of the Mrs. America pageant. That
competition will be held March 19-27 at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino. Kealoha is the daughter of Thomas Kealoha of Maui and Beverly Kealoha of California. Her platform is "Mālama Honua" with a focus on protecting sealife from the impacts of plastics and other 'opala. ■