Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 1, 1 January 2021 — Visions of a Robust and Sustainable Post-COVID-19 Economy [ARTICLE]

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Visions of a Robust and Sustainable Post-COVID-19 Economy

By Sterling Wong Hawai'i businessowners and community members both envision a post-COVID-19 loeal economy that departs from the state's longstanding eeonomie drivers of the past and instead prioritizes diversified industries that promote sustainability and support residents' basic needs, according to two new reports. These findings and others are reported in two eomplementary issue briefs released on December 3, entitled A Better Kind ofNormal: Native Hawaiian anā Non-Hawai-ian Prioritiesfor Hawai 'i 's Post-COVID-19 Economv and Resilient Present, Self-Suffcient Future: An Examination ofCOVID-19 Impacts on Native Hawaiian Businesses anā Preferences for Hawai'i' s Future Economy. Both reports are the result of an online survey administered in June 2020 by the Native Hawaiian COVID-19 Research Hui: a collaboration between the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), Kamehameha Schools (KS), and Lili'uokalani Trust (LT), in partnership with the Hawai'i Leadership Forum, Kupu, and the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce. Over 2,000 residents, business owners and nonprofit executives in Hawai'i responded to the survey. "These reports provide insight into the interests of Hawai'i's residents and businesses for a post-COVID-19 economy. Put simply, there is agreement that our loeal economy must change and be more self-sufficient moving forward," said OHA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Sylvia Hussey. "These reports are critical because they provide timely data and information intended to help guide policymakers, businesses, foundations and nonprofits working together to expand sustainable sectors." Brandon Ledward, KS Strategy & Transformation Group principal strategist said, "The findings from these reports provide insight into the desires of Hawai'i residents and the business community. It is a resounding vote for a future that is more economically self-sufficient and sustainable. This affirms the work that we have started doing, together with partners, to strengthen the agriculture and loeal food system in Hawai'i in order to become more food and economically resilient." Kupu CEO John Leong agreed, adding, "As we look toward building a stronger and healthier Hawai'i, this report provides a wonderful vision of what loeal entrepreneurs and communities see as the direction for our state. It underlines the importance of a regenerative, values-based economy where we lift eaeh other up. "We all must take a gut eheek and use this moment in time to re-envision how we diversify our economy through new industries and reimagine our existing eeonomie pillars to make them healthier and more values-driven, while also

being sustainable and able to breathe life into our islands." The reports paint a clear desire for change. Hawai'i residents indicate that our eeonomie future should focus on sustainable and diversified industries such as agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, and fishing, and elean, renewable-based energy. Moreover, islanders want our post-pandemic economy to move away from the work force sectors in transportation, and oil and petroleum-based energy, as well as the state's major eeonomie pillars of the past, such as land development for commercial, government, military and tourism use. Additionally, Hawai'i residents indicate that they want an economy that focuses on their basic needs. Living wages, loeal agriculture and food production, and housing and healthcare that is affordable, available and accessible, were identified as key components of a strong, sustainable future economy. The report also highlights county-specific COVID-19 impacts and future eeonomie priorities. For example, 83% of businesses in Maui County report a negative impact, compared to 63% - 78% of businesses in the other three counties. Maui County respondents also ranked mainstream tourism as their 10th future eeonomie priority, compared to 16th plaee by Honolulu County, and 18th plaee by both Hawai'i and Kaua'i Counties. The reports also indicate that Native Hawaiians and nonHawaiians have different views of our islands' economy. Education was found to be a higher priority among Native Hawaiians for themselves and their families than non-Hawaiians. This may be in part due to Native Hawaiians being less satisfied with education before COVID-19 and experiencing more negative effects during COVID-19 than non-Hawaiian residents. Additionally, while Native Hawaiian businesses continue to experience negative effects as a result of COVID-19, these disruptions eonhnue to be less severe for Native Hawaiian-owned businesses than for non-Hawaiian-owned businesses. This may be due in part to Native Hawaiian businesses being less reliant on tourism as a revenue source, the report says, a finding consistent with results from the first business impact survey. Native Hawaiian-owned businesses were also found to be less likely to request assistance from the Paycheck Protection Program than non-Hawaiian owned businesses (21% versus 31%, respectively). However, both Native Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian owned businesses that requested assistance were equally likely to report receiving support from this program. "This report clearly demonstrates that Hawai'i residents and business owners recognize the need for a radical shift in Hawai'i's economy," said OHA CEO Hussey. "Unlike our pre-COVID economy, Native Hawaiian and nonHawaiian community members want a new post-COVID economy that focuses on supporting the needs of loeal

'ohana and prioritizes the heahh of our 'āina." Added LT's Nālei Akina, "The survey findings point to a pathway out of the cycle of poverty in whieh too many Native Hawaiian families are mired." These reports are the third and fourth publications eoproduced by the Native Hawaiian COVID-19 Research Hui. The goal of the collaboration is to gather and provide data that explores the ways Native Hawaiians have been impacted by the pandemic and the systemic conditions that plaee our communities at greater risk, and inform pathways for moving forward to create a new nonnal. In May, the hui released the COVID-19 Impacts on Native Hawaiian Businesses issue brief that detailed the challenges and needs of potential of Native Hawaiian businesses during the pandemic. In July, the hui released Native Hawaiians At-Risk of Intimate Partner Violence During COVID- 1 9 that reported on the vulnerabilities and potential impact of COVID-19 on Native Hawaiians experiencing, or at-risk of, intimate partner violence. More information about the Native Hawaiian COVID19 Research Hui and its projects, including the two new reports, ean be found at https://sites.google.com/ksbe.edu/ nh-covidl9/home. ■