Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2020 — Ho'olehua Water System to Get a Major Upgrade [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ho'olehua Water System to Get a Major Upgrade


By Cedric Duarte Unbeknownst to most of the puhlie, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands manages four water systems throughout the state, delivering potable and non-potable water to residential and agricultural homesteads. The Ho'olehua Water System on Moloka'i is the Department's oldest system, serving over 2,400 customers, including approximately 500 homesteads in Ho'olehua-Pala'au, Kalama'ula, and Mo'omomi. Water from this system also provides service to the post office, schools, and the Moloka'i airport. At over 80 years old, the entire system is in desperate need of repair and significant upgrades to improve its efficiency, water pressure, and service to customers. On Thursday, November 19, the Department held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the beginning of a $37 million capital improvement project to upgrade the aging infrastructure. The socially distanced event was attended by State Representative Lynn DeCoite (Dist. 13 - Moloka'i), Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC) Chairman William T Ail5 Tr T-TTTr Mnlnl'n'i

Commissioner Zachary Helm, and the United States Department of Agriculture Community Program Loan Specialist Nate Riedel. Kahu Claude Duvauchelle led the blessing, held at DHHL's equipment base yard, where contractor Goodfellow Brothers, managed by SSFM International, is staging construction equipment to begin the work. The project, funded in part by a $19 million allocation from the USDA, will be built in two phases spanning seven construction sites. Enhancements to the system will include the installation of a 200,000gallon storage tank, upgrades to automation systems, a new warehouse, and a new emergency generator diesel fuel tank. Other improvements involve new paved roads and fencing, along with the repair and replacement of existing tanks, pumps, transmission mains, laterals, valves, and hydrants. At the ceremony, Chair Ailā eommented that the project highlights the state and congressional leadership's understanding of important issues facing our rural communities, as this project would not be possible without their initiative. Construction is expected to take roughly two years to complete and customers should expect intermittent water outages and construction traffic during regular business hours throughout the project's duration. In the end, DHHL's oldest water system, serving some of the Department's oldest homesteads, will arrive in tTio 9 1 st century with an efficient system oi wnuui j vt īui uii v/iuvicm ltiviii

built to last another 80 years and more. ■ Cedric R. Duarte is the Information & Community Relations Offtcer for tlie Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. He has worked in communications and marketing since 1999 and is a longtime event organizer. A product ofthe Kamehameha SchooIs and the University ofHawai'i at Mānoa, he resides in 'Aiea with his wife and two daughters.

(L-R): Lynn DeCoite, William J. Ailō, Jr., Zacbary Helm, and Kahu Claude Duvauchelle at the water system groundbreaking ceremony in Ho'olehua - Photo: Courtesy