Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 10, 1 October 2020 — TRUSTEE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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1 1 To properly represent Native Hawaiians from your island/community active engagement is important. Please list the Hawaiian cultural or civic organizations, associations or activities that you are [or have been] part of on your island of residence, your specific role in the organization, and how many years you have been [or were] active. 2 | Prior to the pandemic, 33% of Hawaiian-owned businesses relied directly on the tourism sector, and 24% of working Native Hawaiians were employed in service occupations most impacted by the eeonomie conditions resulting from CŪVID-19. With the loss of tourism fortheforeseeable future, what ean be done to address the substantial and long-lasting eeonomie mpactthis pandemic may have on the Native Hawaiian community? 3 | UH's mismanagement of Maunakea has garnered significant attention in recent years, and for many is yet another example of sacred sites being neglected, mismanaged, or even desecrated across the islands, What have you done to better ensure the appropriate treatment of Hawai'i's sacred sites and spaces?