Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 9, 1 September 2020 — Mann to Head Planning & Development for KS Commercial Real Estate [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Mann to Head Planning & Development for KS Commercial Real Estate
Kamehameha Schools (KS) has selected Calvin Mann as director of planning and development for theorganization's Commercial Real Estate Division
(CRED) portfolios. Mann will oversee the planning and development of commercial and residential projects on KS land in Hawai'i Kai and Waiawa. Stewardship of these lands supports the organization's mission of uplifting the lāhui and communities across the state. With over 25 years of real estate experience, Mann has extensive project management experience in real estate development, including large military, federal, state and county projects. The 1986 KS Kapālama graduate has a bachelor's degree from San Diego State University and master's degree in business administration from Hawai'i Pacific University.
HFI awarded Grant to Grow Native Hawaiian Urban Forest
The Hawai'i Forest Institute (HFI) has been awarded a grant to encourage residents and businesses to grow Native Hawaiian and Poly-nesian-introduced ("eanoe") plants, and to increase awareness of the value and benefits of native plants and trees. The grant is funded by
the Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program of the DFNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife; and State and Private Forestry branch of the USDA Forest Service, Region 5. Dubbed "Go Native: Growing a Native Hawaiian Urban Forest," the project will promote growing Native Hawaiian plants by creating a series of videos and a quick reference guide to enable gardeners, landscapers and others to identify the native plants most suitable to their climate zone, personal tastes and gardening experience. Hawai'i's forests have been severely impacted by invasive plants and development. Only 40% of mesic forest remains, and 95% of Hawai'i's dryland forests have been destroyed. Nearly 10% of the state's 1,360 native plant species are already extinct and another 236 species are endangered. "The ultimate goal is to strengthen island-wide ecosystems by preserving forests and creating wildlife corridors and habitat for native invertebrates, birds and bats," says Travis Idol, President of HFI and Professor of Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry at UH Mānoa. HFI hopes that if enough urban residents and businesses grow native plants suited to their climate zones and nearby existing forests, a network of interconnected "islands" of native forest could emerge. While imperfect compared to the original forests, this could help increase the resilience of existing forests by preserving the full eomplement of genetic variation within plant and animal species.
'lolani Palaee Receives $290,000 From HĪA The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee received $290,000 in funding from the Hawai'i Tourism Authority (HTA) to help repair and restore the ieonie pavilion built for King Kalākaua's 1883 coronation ceremony, as well as to remove several beehives within the exterior fafade of the royal residence. "Maintaining the structural integrity of 'Iolani Palaee and its surrounding buildings is a huge
undertaking, and we appreciate the support from the Hawai'i Tourism Authority," said Paula Akana, Executive Director of The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee. The bee removal process began on Monday, August 10, 2020, and both projects are anticipated to be completed by early October. Tours will not be impacted during the work and the Palaee grounds will be open as scheduled. The projects are being supported by HTA's Hawaiian Culture initiative, whieh is one of four strategic pillars focused on strengthening the uniqueness and integrity of the Native Hawaiian culture and community through genuine experiences for both residents and visitors.
Aquarium Trade EIS Rejected: Ban on Collecting Reef Fish Extended The State of Hawai'i Environmental Council unanimously affirmed the Board of Fand and Natural Resources' rejection of an environmental impact statement (EIS) aimed at reopening the aquarium pet trade in West Hawai'i. The Council's decision extends the moratorium on eommercial aquarium collection along the Kona Coast. "This is a huge win for me and my family, and for our way of life," said Miloli'i fisherman Willie Kaupiko, who has been fighting for over 30 years to protect West Hawai'i reefs from the damaging effects of the aquarium trade. The Fand Board's May 22 decision was a major milestone in a legal battle that started in 2012. The Board concluded that the EIS failed to paint a true picture of the environmental harm of eommercial aquarium eolleehon. Board members noted a troubling laek of information about the ecological effects of removing fish in mass quantities from an already fragile reef ecosystem, and a failure to seriously consider the cultural impacts of the trade. "Extracting Hawai'i's reef wildlife for the private pet industry is
fundamentally at odds with Hawaiian culture, traditions, and religious practices," said Kealoha Pisciotta, a Native Hawaiian cultural practitioner and founder of Kai Palaoa. Although the Board's decision extends the moratorium on aquarium eolleehon in West Hawai'i, the state continues to allow the industry to extract fish in East Hawai'i and elsewhere throughout the state. This has prompted reef advocates, represented by Earthjustice, to file a parallel lawsuit whieh is pending before the Hawai'i Environmental Court.
DHHL Rental Assistance Program Extended The Department of Hawaiian Home Fands (DHHF) has extended its COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program to help qualified native Hawaiian beneficiaries with rental assistance for a period of up to twelve months. The Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC) approved the extension of aid from six to 12 months at its August board meeting. In June, HHC also approved the program's expansion to include Undivided Interest Fessees (UI). "As necessary COVID-19 safety restrictions are imposed, there will be continued financial strain throughout our community," said HHC Chairman William J. Ailā, Jr. "Dozens of families have already been helped by this program and it only makes sense to extend our assistance in light of the ongoing pandemic." Those interested in learning more should eall AUW at 2-1-1. For more information on COVID-19 impacts on DHHL activities, visit dhhl.hawaii.gov/covid- 19.
lnnovative lndigenous Voter Registrotion Compaign With COVID- 19 taking a disproportionate toll on U.S. and Tribal Nations, Seeding Sovereignty, an Indigenous, female-led collective, has created an online voter registration campaign, Radicalize the Vote, in an effort to inspire Indig-
enous people in America to register to vote in the November General Election. At the center of the campaign is a website, radicalizethevote. org where the organization hopes to build a centralized Indigenous voter registration list. To promote this, they hosted a 12-hour online telethon on August 29th moderated by Indigenous hosts nationwide. Organizers believe the eampaign has the ability to make historic change. Resistance is a major aspect of the Indigenous lived experience and a huge motivator for political engagement. Beyond merely influencing the 2020 eleehon, organizers assert that Indigenous voter turnout has the potential to shift political engagement in the country for years to eome. "We must Indigenize Congress and implement better systems; Systems for trae sovereignty, systems for reconciliation and systems for an Indigenous-led regenerative economy that goes way beyond the Green New Deal," said Sikowis, Seeding Sovereignty SHIFT Director of the Plains Cree/Saulteaux. "The decisions we make today will set the standard for how Native people are represented going forward," said Lycia Maddocks, Vice President of External Affairs for the National Congress of Ameriean Indians. "We must express the diversity, strength and resilience that we have and ensure that we take the lead on creating what the future looks like for the next Seven Generations."
Interested in Farming on Kaua'i? GoFarm Hawai'i is offering an informational webinar for Kaua'i residents interested in learning more about farming and farmer training opportunities. The webinar is called AgCurious, and will be presented on Thursday, September 10th, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. online via Zoom. For more information or to register, go to: www.gofarmhawaii. org ■
Calvin Mann
^ * v, ^ Ko'oko'olau ■ Photo: J.B. Friday