Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 8, 1 August 2020 — KA WAI OLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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By Ku'ualohapau'ole Lau Ua maka'ala? Have you been paying attention? Answers for this crossword puzzle ean be found through out the pages of this issue of Ka Wai Ola. Pleast do not include any spaces, special chai'acters, or diacriticals ('okina and kahakō) in your answers.

ACROSS 8 Declaration that was drafted by a group Native Hawaiian community members who eame together at the start of the C0VID-19 pandemic. 9 When not going to school, students will be at home learning through or similar remote learning programs. 10 Made with the feathers of more than 20,000 birds. 11 Owner of loeal business Hina Hawai'i located in the Aloha Tower Marketplace. 15 Foundation is a new nonprofit that's mission is to increase youth participation in extracurricular activities. 16 Developing indigenously-inspired tech that generates renewable "blue" energy from mixing wai and kai. 18 Both Kamakau and Nāwahī have their parents during the pandemic and remained in constant communication. 20 Hawaiian word for "cultural treasures." 21 Food is a household's ability to provide consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy lifestyle. 22 Federally accredited lndependent Rural Health Clinic. 23 The moon phase on 'Aukake 3.

DOWN 1 Maintaining responsibility to care for the iwi and moepū is a profound expression of our identity as . 2 A strong plant that ean thrive in extremely dry conditions (endemic poppy). 3 Meaning our populations and our sovereigns were already living and governing prior to colonization. 4 lnnovative program that provides students with both construction and life skills. 5 OHA acquired in August 2006 through a partnership with the City and County of Honolulu, and others. 6 Studies show that glyphosate-based herbicides raise the cancer risk of those exposed to it by _%. 7 Hawaiian word for "gentle disruption." 12 CNHA raised over $127,000 in less than a week to save . 13 The American Red Cross has appointed Diane - as the new Regional Chief Executive Officer for the Pacific lslands Region. 14 A lawsuit was filed in April to eompel the National Marine Fisheries Service to take action to protect oeeanie sharks. 17 King of Hawai'i lsland back in the 1500s. 19 Community Assistance Program, administered by the CNHA and funded by OHA. 24 A vacant allows a beneficiary to construct a dwelling that is suitable to their needs.