Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 8, 1 August 2020 — JABSOM Students Create Bilingual Covid-19 Educational Videos [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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JABSOM Students Create Bilingual Covid-19 Educational Videos

JABS0M haumāna participate in a service-learning workday at Papahana Kuaola in Kāne'ohe. Pictured (L-R); Jenna Maligro, James DeJesus IV, Elliot Koshi, LeShay Keli'iholokai (JABSOM research assistant), Jason Lee, Trevor McCracken, Alyssa Becker, Abigail Bautista, a Papahana Kuaola staff member, Kamuela Andrade and Amelia Hummel. - Photos: Courtesy

By Dr. Martina L. Kamaka The entry of C0VID-19 upended all of our world, including schools every where. JABSOM (the John A. Burns School of Medicine) was no exception. Our community health programs were hit particulary hard, as many of them involved first-year medical students going into loeal communities to do four hours of service-learning on an almost weekly basis. The community health elective, "Native Hawaiian Health Past, Present, Future" is one of those JABSOM community health programs. The course provides educational opportunities for medical students to gain a holistic understanding of Native Hawaiian health and wellness, health disparities and healthcare practices. Experiential community and 'āina-based learning is emphasized. For example, students spend time with traditional healers and cultural consultants, explore traditional resource management by working in lo'i kalo (taro patch) or loko i'a (fishpond), and are presented with the latest research on Native Hawaiian health disparities and other community efforts addressing health. An annual activity involves health education lessons designed for Ke Kula 'o Samuel M. Kamakau, a Hawaiian Language Immersion public charter school, and previous lessons included health related topics such as nutrition, exercise and dental heahh. The students planned their visit to Kamakau for last April, but the state-wide shut down required an adjustment of plans.

and "Staying Active at Home," an exercise video that includes a yoga session. Medical student Jenna Maligro and JABSOM Native Hawaiian Center of Excellence (NHCOE) research assistant, LeShay Keli'iholokai were editors for the project. The videos were completed using the English language. Because they were originally designed for the use of Kamakau school, whieh is a Hawaiian language immersion school, the videos were translated into Hawaiian. This made it a truly community project with volunteer translators contibuting many additional hours to kōkua.

The nine students enrolled in the course, Kamuela Andrade, Abigail Bautista, Alyssa Becker, Amelia Hummel, James DeJesus IV, Elliot Koshi, Jason Lee, Jenna Maligro and Trevor McCracken, eame up with the idea of making educational videos for the students that address issues pertaining to the COVID-Ī9 pandemic. Fourtopics werechosen: General Overview of COVID-19, Proper Handwashing, Masking and Social Distancing,

Contacts at Kamakau, Ānuenue Public Charter School, NHCOE and UH Mānoa also recruited family and friends to help. The end result is a collection of four videos, eaeh with two different versions: one in English and the other with either Hawaiian voice-overs or Hawaiian subtitles. Although the videos involved a lot of hard work and creativity, the project proved to be a most worthwhile endeavor. "The video project was a great opportunity for me to do something fun with my own keiki while teaching them a little about the current pandemic," said Samuel Kamuela Andrade. "And when the final touches were made by our editors and the great young 'ōlelo speakers, the videos eame out even better than we expected. It was really a team collaboration all the way around and my family and I were just happy to be a part of it." "The process of making educational videos for the keiki about COVID-19 was fun, yet challenging," adds Jenna Maligro. "I enjoyed the creative process and figuring out entertaining ways to present relevant information. During this pandemic, our responsibility as medical students is to provide knowledge and education to our community. This project gave us an opportunity to play a role in educating our keiki about COVID-19, while having fun along the way." "Having watched my fair share of online educational videos (i.e., Khan Academy), it was fun to make our own version for the kids," reflects Elliott Koshi. "While I am in no way an expert on COVID-19, 1 hope that our video not only teaches them about the virus, but also sparks an interest in the medical field." The faculty and students at JABSOM are excited to get these educational videos out to schools as the new school year is starting, and proud to offer 'ōlelo Hawai'i versions as well. In light of the increasing cases of COVID-19 in our communities, the lessons in the videos remain relevant and important for all of Hawai'i's children. ■ Dr. Martina Leialoha Kamaka is a Native Hawaiian Family Physician and Associate Professor in the Department of Native Hawaiian Healtli at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, LohnA. Burns School ofMedicine. She is a graduate ofthe Kamehameha Schools, the University of Notre Dame and the John A. Burns School of Medicine Her professional interests lie in the areas of cultural competency training as well as Native Hawaiian and Indigenous heahh.

The students_weed a mala (garden) to kōkua the Kōko'o 'Ōiwi program in He'eia. 'Āina-based learning is a key part of the community health elective class.