Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2020 — 2020 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāioa'.

DOLE - The descendants of William Patrick Dole and Emily Keli'iahonui Kekoa Dole are planning a family reunion on Saturday August 8, 2020 at the Waimānalo Beach Park, O'ahu , Hawai'i. William Dole and Emily K. Dole had 10 children, most of whom have produced descendants who are the next generation of cousins. Their children are named, Emily Ka'auwai, Henry Dole, Billy Dole, Simeon Dole, Henrietta Carter, Muriel Duvachelle, Benjamin Dole, Richard Dole Kaai, Eleanor Ka-Ne, and Loretta Kwoek. The organizers encourage all family descendants to attend and be a part of this family reunion and celebration. The morning will begin with a prayer of blessings as we celebrate the 126th birthday of our tutu Emily K. Dole. There will be talk story sessions, a Pa'ina Hawaiian Luneheon, family entertainment, games, and in the afternoon family genealogy workshops. Camping will be allowed by permit. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get to meet cousins that you have not met. For more information, please contact: Camie Apau 808-852-9880, Holly Kwoek Kaleohano 808-348-0077, Peewee Ka-Ne 808-990-5242. KAHELE 'OHANA MILOLI'I - Kahele 'Ohana Miloli'i gathering for July 2020 is cancelled and will be rescheduled at a future date. We are still looking for descendants of John Halena Kahele and Mana Malaea Nunuha and their children Ellen Kalawae'a, John Halena, Hannah Koanohano, William Kalilipio Keomaka, Peter Kahuaka'e, Henry Nahinu and Abel Pepe Kaliliaku. For more information, please contact Renee 01ivera at (808) 640-5959, Gloria Wagner at (808) 436-5074 or Sharon "Malama" Faalele at (808) 485-2861.

KUAKAHELA/KALIMAONAONA - Descendants of Kuakahela and Keaka Kalimaonaona. Children: Naiheauhau, Kaaihue, Kealohapauole, Kamau, Kaunahi, Kimona, Wahinelawaia and Keau. The reunion is set for July 25 and 26, 2020 at Makaeo Events Pavilion, 01d Airport Beach Park, Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i. Need head count by June 1, 2020. Call Agnes at 808-987-1884. If you have any questions contact President, Apo Aquino or on Facebook (Kaukahela 'Ohana). MANU/KAWELO - Cancelled and postponed to next year. SHIM - REUNION FOR HAWAIIAN, CHINESE BRANCHES, WAILUKU. Shim reunion with the theme "Tracing and Connecting Shim Family Roots" will eonvene July 23 to 25, 2021, on Maui. Mook Shim had six children eaeh by a Chinese wife, Chu Shee, and a Hawaiian wife, Lily KapoliahPiaka Napaepae. Offspring with the latter were, as follows: Edward Loi Hing Shim; Margaret Wong Starkey; Henry Shim; Joseph Shim; Thelma Yanagi, and Kathryn Chung. Chinese offspring were Albert, Edward, Hannah, Henry, Minnie and Robert Shim. Organizers especially invite descendants (1) of Napaepae's brother, William (Pauahi) KelPihelehua of Molokai, and sisters Roselae (Joseph) Paki and Julia (Samuel) Paki of Maui, and (2) of Bow Shim, whose offspring were Anna, Stanley, Harold, Rose, James, Daisy, Mabel and Sarah Shim. Contact Sarah Shim on Maui at email: ssuncleping9@gmail.com or (808) 281-1681, or Ewalani Shim on Maui at (808) 760-8913. WOOLSEY - The descendants of George Lewis Woolsey and Annie Kamakakaulani Akana are planning a family reunion on July 2-5, 2020 at He Piko No Waiohuli, Kula, Maui, Hawai'i. George Lewis Woolsey and Annie

Kamakakaulani Akana had four ehildren, all of whom have produced descendants: Matilda Woolsey Norton, George Woolsey, James Woolsey and Miriam Woolsey Jay Reed. We will talk story, have music, games, enjoy eaeh other's eompany and have genealogy updates during the reunion. Camping is allowed. For more information, please emailHope: woolseyohana@gmail.com. BEIRNE/GEORGE/KAILIULI/ WAIWAIOLE - Looking for descendants of Joseph Beirne, Lani George, Victoria Kailiuli, and John Kalua Waiwaiole. A family reunion will be held June 26-27, 2020 in Honolulu. Please contact Minette K Ngalu at ngalulO@gmail.com or eall 808-250-8751. Mahalo. CHARTRAND - Aloha John Francis Carson Chartrand is my Grandfather on my mother's side. He eame to Hawai'i in the 20s with the Calvary. He married four Hawaiian women in his life and had many children. Mary Keahi Kaohu, Edith Kapule Kalawaia, Margaret Keanalani Claesene and Helen Brown. My mother Isabelle Leina'ala Chartrand Kainoa and brother Harold Kalawaia Chartrand had eleven half siblings. In honor of all the Chartrand 'Ohana that have passed on, to meet Grandpa Chartrand. We want to plan a reunion. We need everyone to kokua with your current contact info to cousin Cami Chartrand 446-5098 email Chartrandreunion2020@gmail.com or John Kainoa 244-8428, johnkainoa61@gmail. eom. We look forward to hearing from you. Mahalo John. GRAMBERG - Searching for the descendants or any related 'ohana of Herman Gramberg and Rose Anakalea. Children of Herman and Rose are Herman "Waha", Theresa, George, Vivian, Henry "Heine", Darilynn, and Rosebud. Looking to update

genealogical information. Please email gramberg ohanal @ gmail.com. Any inforomation shared is greatly appreciated. Mahalo! HARBOTTLE - I am looking for information on my great-great grandmother. Her name is Talaimanomateata or Kua'analewa, she was Tahitian and married to or had a child with George Nahalelaau Harbottle. Born in 1815 on O'ahu and son of John Harbottle of England and Papapaunauapu daughter of Haninimakaohilani and Kauhiaimokuakama. I know from Edward Hulihee Harbottle's (my great grandfather) Guardianship court case that when his father George died his mother was on Maui and the case was stopped until she could be in court. When she appeared in court she said it was fine if Edward H. Boyd became his guardian. There are family stories that she had eome from an ali'i family of Tahiti and was in Hawai'i as a ward of the court. I have not been able to substantiate this information. If anyone in the family knows where I might look it would be wonderful to know. Please contact me at waiakaphillips@yahoo.com or eall 808-936-3946. Mahalo, Noelani Willing Phillips. HUSSEY - The Hussey family (Alexander & Kaaikaula Makanoe) is updating its genealogy book. Please go to husseyohana.org for more information. KAIWA - Looking for descendants or related 'Ohana Members of 'BILL KAIWA', aka 'SOLOMAN ANI. Please contact ROBERTA BOLLIG 320-248-3656 or flh63kb@yahoo.com MAHALO! KAMILA/CAZIMERO - We are updating our Kamila and Manuel Family Tree and planning our next Family Reunion. Please eheek out our Facebook page; Hui 'o Manuel a me Kamila Reunion or email Kamila.ManuelCazimeroFR2021@gmail.com. You ean also contact Stacy Hanohano at (808) 520-4212 for more information. KEANU - Would like to locate genealogical information for my deceased paternal grandmother named Josephine Keanu born either in Ka'u or Kaohe (Big Island) on 8/12/1912 or 1911. Supposedly, her birth record was destroyed during a fire at St. Benedict Church in Honaunau. I was told this church kept birth records of nearby families during that period. I would greatly appreciate any kokua in locating her 'ohana and details of her birth. Please contact ssylva4@hotmail.com. KAUKA - Looking for descendants or related 'ohana members of Deborah Chan Loy (DOB: about 1885). Please contact Glenn Ventura at gdventura44@gmail. eom. Mainly trying to locate sisters of my mother Irene Loy (DOB: 1914) Married John Ventura of Kihei. Sisters: Lillian, Saddie (Sadie), Warma (Velma) and Agnes Kauka. MAKUA - Looking for descendants or related 'ohana members of Henry K. Makua (year of birth: 1907, Honolulu) Father: Joseph K. Makua, Mother: Mary Aukai, Sisters: Malia and Mele, Sons: Henery and Donald Makua. Joseph and Mary may have orginated from Kaua'i. Looking for genealogical information. Please contact - emakua.makua@gmail.com. Mahalo! STEWARD - Looking for descendants or 'ohana of James and Mea-alani Steward of Kahalu'u, O'ahu. Please contact William Steward: wsteward52@yahoo. eom if you are interested in a family reunion. TITCOMB - For all descendants of Charles Titcomb and Kanikele - it's time to update the family information for another family reunion. Anyone that would be interested to be on the planning committee, contact: K. Nani Kawaa at titcombfamilyreunion@gmail.com. YONG/KUKAHIKO - Kalei Keahi / Ah Foon Yong and John Mahele Kukahiko / Daisy Nahaku Up dating genealogy information on these 2 ohana. Please send to Janelle Kanekoa ( granddaughter of Samuel Apo Young/ Yong and Daisybelle Kukahiko) email me @ nehaukanekoa@gmail.com. Please list on top right whieh ohana you belong to. Yong or Kukahiko. ■